Export of Mechanical Systems Experience

3DEXPERIENCE mechanisms can be exported to V5 using the Downward Compatibility tool, although not all of the components of the mechanism can be exported.

To access the Downward Compatibility batch, from the Tools section of the action bar, click Utility. For more information, see Running the DownwardCompatibility Batch and About Downward Compatibility.

3DEXPERIENCE to V5 Data Import Table

The 3DEXPERIENCE to V5 Data Import table describes the export effect on Mechanical Systems Experience entities that can be translated using the Downward Compatibility tool.

In 3DEXPERIENCE, a kinematics simulation is a separate simulation object that refers to a product, a mechanism representation, and simulation specifications (excitations, probes, and scenarios). In V5 the components of a kinematics simulation are collected under the Product node in the tree.

See File Coexistence and Migration User's Guide.

3DEXPERIENCE Data Type Export Effect
Mechanism representationSupported
Simulation objectNot supported
Simulation specifications Not supported
ExcitationsNot supported
ProbesNot supported
Results Partially supported
Animation Exported as replay object. A replay object is created under Applications in the V5 product structure.

See Exporting a Simulation.