Insert after activity with precedence constraint
Inserts activity after target activity with precedence constraint to create a precedence constraint between the two activities. Existing constraints to the target activity are replugged on the moved activity. |

Add after activity with precedence constraint
Adds activity after target activity with precedence constraint to create a precedence constraint between the two activities. Activity is moved to the target activity with the constraint. Other constraints from the target activity are kept. |

Create precedence constraint
Creates precedence constraint between the two activities. A new constraint is added between the activities. Other existing constraints along the activities are kept. |

Insert after activity with synchro End-Start constraint
Inserts activity after target activity with synchro end-start constraint to create an end-start synchronization link between the two activities. You can set a delay between the end of one activity and the start of the other. |

Add after activity with synchro End-Start constraint
Adds activity after target activity with synchro end-start constraint to create an end-start synchronization link between the two activities. You can set a delay between the end of one activity and the start of the other. |

| Create synchro End-Start constraint Creates synchronization end-start constraint between the two activities. |

| Cancel drag and drop |