About the Interference Probes History

You can display the history of the detected interferences during a kinematics simulation using the Interference Analysis function.

See Also
Animating a Simulation
Running the Preview

To review your kinematics simulation results, you can display a history that provides a list of all the interference probes that have been included, and their detailed status. The history consists of an immersive analysis interference list providing information on probes for each time step of the simulation, including their name, detailed specifications, issue types, intersecting products, and clearances values.

Column Name Description
Time Identifies the time step during which the interference has been detected (for example 0s).
Probe Identifies the name of the probe (for example, interference.1).
Specification Specifies the interference calculation mode that can be either:
  • Clash-Contact-Clearance (standard interference detection mode).
  • Check No Clash-CheckClearance-Check Contact-No Check

    (If the Engineering Connection Specification option is selected).
System Status Specifies the interference detailed status (clash, contact, clearance).

For example, if at t=5s a clash is detected between product A and product B, the system status indicates clash.

Instance 1 Indicates the path to the first intersecting product with respect to an up-bottom scheme (from the root product to the product involved in the interference). For example: Product\Product 1.1\intersecting_product.1.
Instance 2 Indicates the path to the second intersecting product with respect to an up-bottom scheme (from the root product to the product involved in the interference). For example: Product\Product 2.1\intersecting_product.2.
Quantifier Tracks the clearance's minimum distance or penetration vector between the products involved in the interference, provided that either the Minimum Distance or the Penetration Vector check box has been selected in the Specification tab of the Interference Specifications dialog box.

Select a line of interest in the history table to access a larger set of analysis tools available in the Interference Management app. For more information, see Interference Management User's Guide.

The components involved in the selected interference appear in the work area, in the framework of the simulation step. You can analyze further the selected interference using other analysis commands available in a specific context toolbar.