Defining Joint Force Probes

You can create, edit, or delete a force or torque probe on a joint. You can also aggregate the joint force and the torque probe under a scenario, and analyze the simulation results based on this object's values. Joint force probes can only be used during a dynamic scenario.

Force and torque values represent the force or torque exerted by a joint on a product, to keep the joint in place (or synchronized) during the entire simulation.

Before you begin: Open a dynamics simulation referencing a mechanism in the Mechanical Systems Experience app.
  1. From the Scenario section of the action bar, click Joint Force Probe .
    The Join Force Probe dialog box appears.
  2. Select a joint in a mechanism in the tree.

    The probe is measured on the joint.

    Note: You cannot select Contact joints.

    You can select a check box from the list of the products impacted by the moving of the joint. By default, the check box of the first impacted element is selected. With this selection, the probe computes the joint force applied by the second product on the first product.

    The joint name and type is automatically displayed in the dialog box.
  3. To change the basic joint force and vector, select the second product from the list.

    With this selection, the probe computes the joint force applied by Product1 on Product2. The X_Force, Y_Force and Z_Force parameters (projections of the vectors in the 3D area) are different. The force and torque magnitudes are identical, but with opposite vector directions.

    The force and probe values of the selected joints are also calculated according to a specific reference frame defined by these reference products.

  4. To change the Result frame or the vector directions (X, Y, Z coordinate values) of the force probe, select one of the following:
    • Joints Frame: frame coordinates based on the joint's geometry. By default, this frame is selected.
    • Global Frame: frame coordinates based on the root product.
  5. Click OK.
    The new probe appears in the tree, under the Probes node, and remains when you save the root product.

    If you cannot visualize the probe in the tree, click Update Scenario .

    • By default, the force and torque probe is included in the current dynamic scenario for further analysis. To include the probe in another scenario, edit the scenario and include the force and torque probe. The values of the joint force probes are displayed on the mechanism during the preview of the scenario. For more information, see Computing and Generating Results and Running the Preview.

      Two arrows on the joint show the Force and the Torque vectors. Each arrow has a different color to differentiate the vectors. The axis frame of the joint is positioned on the selected product (with its origin and axis respecting the geometric definition of the joint), and appears in white.

    • You can export the dynamics scenario results in a spreadsheet file. For more information, see Reviewing Scenario Results. In the Excel file, the values of the probes are displayed as curves and tables.
    • If a probe points to a joint not included in the mechanism, you cannot add this probe to the mechanism.
  6. To edit a joint force probe, do one of the following:
    • Double-click the probe.
    • Right-click the probe and select Definition.
  7. To delete a joint force probe, right-click the probe and select Delete.