Creating an Include

You can create an Include in your script. An include is a sequence of prerequisites declaration telling the KML parser what Library is required to understand the concepts defined in the Concepts section. The syntax of an Include is Include "<IncludedLibName>";

  • The number of included Libraries is not limited. Remember that included Libraries need to be correct from a syntax point of view, otherwise the include will fail and the parse of the including Library will be interrupted.
  • Libraries are stored in Knowledge Components, when looking for an included Library from its name, the algorithm first looks in the current Knowledge Component, then in its declared prerequisites.

Before you begin: You must have created Libraries.
See Also
Creating a Library
  1. Create your library.
    The Know-how Apps Logiceditor opens.
  2. Key in the following string: Include "SampleTools";.
    The concepts defined in SampleTools are available in this Library.

To view an example, import the KMLSample.3dxml file located in win_b64\startup\Knowledgeware\KMLSamples\Sample1 in the installation folder.