In the Know-how Apps LogicEditor, key in the following script:
/* For the table to build itself some inputs are necessary */
Length tableHeight [80cm,120cm[;
Length footRadius;
/* The table geometry can only be Round or Rectangular */
String tableGeometry { "Round","Rectangular" };
VPMReference destination;
/* The neutrals attributes are used to store information that will not be
accessible from outside the Concept */
VPMReference topReference = instantiatedTop.Reference;
VPMInstance instantiatedObject = new("VPMReference","MyTable",destination);
/* Formulas can be used to compute values for attributes. */
VPMInstance instantiatedTop = new("VPMReference","MyTableTop",Object);
Proceed to the next step: Defining Children.
To view an example, import the KMLSample.3dxml
file located in win_b64\startup\Knowledgeware\KMLSamples\Sample1 in the installation folder.