Creating a Manual Check

You can create a manual check in case of check that cannot be created with the language EKL to answer a review question.

  1. From the Quality Rules Capture section of the action Bar, select Insert New Check .
  2. In the check dialog box, do the following:
    1. Enter the name of the check.
    2. Select the language.
    3. Check True to create a Manual Check.
    4. Click OK.
  3. In the Condition Tab:
    1. Select the arguments.
    2. Enter the check body.
  4. In the Review Tab:
    • If you need to use only one language for the Check, enter the question in Reviewing Comment.
    • If you need to use the Check in several languages, use Catalogs. In the Catalog cell, enter the name of the catalog. In Reviewing Comment, enter the key to search questions.
  5. Click OK.

Example of a Catalog

The catalog is a CATNls file stored in the win_b64\resources\msgcatalog directory. It contains the languages used in the questions you want to check when launching the report. The catalog format is the following:

The string before=is the string to be entered in the Review comment cell. The string after = is the question you want to ask.

AngleBetweenSeatStaysAndChainStays="The angle between seatstays and
chainstays must be superior than 56° +- 0.1";