Creating a Filter

You can apply a filter to the input variables of an instantiated check. It lets you filter out checks that do not meet some criteria. The filter can handle only one type. When saved in database, filters are also available in Quality Rules Configuration so that the administrator can associate them to checks (one by type of inputs). The solve process executes the filter on some domains that are filtered and become the inputs of the candidate checks.

  1. From the Compass, click the 3D Modeling Apps quadrant, and select Quality Rules Capture.
  2. In the Quality Rules Capture section, click Insert New Rule Set .
    Warning: If you do not create your filter under a rule set candidate for Quality Rules Configuration, you will not be able to use it in Quality Rules Configuration.
  3. Enter the rule set name in the Title box.
  4. Check True in the Candidate for QCC App field. Click OK when done.
  5. In the Quality Rules Capture section, click Insert New Filter .
    The Filtering Check dialog box appears.
  6. Enter the filter name in the Title box and click OK.
    The Filter editor appears.
  7. Create the filter body.
    1. Double-click the Unset cell in the Name column and enter the filter name, dim in this example.
    2. Double-click the Unset cell in the Type column and select the type.
    3. Enter the filter body and click OK.
      Note: The ReturnBool parameter enables you to filter when set to true and does not filter anything when set to false.