About the Revisioning and Overwrite Behavior of Families

A family is a generator of "standards" based on a single generic model in the database. Generation is the duplication of the generic model.

See Also
Managing Component Family Modifications

The three different duplication algorithms include:

  • Duplication that conserves logical IDs. This facilitates the replacement of family elements by others and allows the use of the other two duplication algorithms. This is one of the constraints.
  • Duplication with integration into the revision family of the previous model for the element under consideration. The result is seen as a revision of the previous model for the family element.
  • Duplication with overwrite of the previous model.

The generic model can be driven by:

  • A table design (PLM structure of references and stable representations). The modifications are controlled by an excel table or a tabulated text file.
  • A product table. In addition to parametric changes, the product table defines structural changes such as disabling instances, replacing references with other references of the same family, replacing references with references pointed to by a table resource in the same Knowledgeware representation as the product table.

The Define Components not to Duplicate command allows you to finely define the list of references and representations not to be duplicated. It ensures the integrity of the model with respect to the existing links between the components (reference or representation). For example, it is impossible to duplicate a component that depends on a duplicated component.

By default, the list of components to be duplicated is calculated as follows:

  • For a table design, all components are considered to be duplicated.
  • For a product table:
    • If an instance is disabled and there is no other occurrence of its reference in the structure, neither its reference nor its children are duplicated.
    • If an instance is driven by the table resource, its reference and children are not considered to be duplicated.

The list is calculated and then the components defined as not to be duplicated are deleted from this list. When you generate a family element:

  • The first generation necessarily uses the first algorithm (duplication with conservation of logical IDs).
  • Depending on the choice of the family manager, the subsequent generations occur using the second or the third algorithm.
    • If revisioning is requested, the absolute constraint is to be able to match all the duplicated components of the generic model with the components of the previous model. So if there is one component less or more, we move on to algorithm 1. From the family point of view, the generated model is seen as the latest version of the generated model, but not from a PLM point of view, it is not a revision.
    • If you ask for overwrite, the constraint is even stronger: you must match references, representations, instances, ports, and connections (therefore ALL PLM objects). If it is no possible, the second algorithm is launched, if it is still impossible, the first one is launched.