Valuating Attributes

You can associate table columns and attributes of the resolved items. This function modified attributes depending on the values of the family characteristics.

See Also
About Data Setup for Component Family Definition


  • Click Automatically Map Attributes to automatically map the column name and the internal name of the attribute. The ComponentsFamilyAttributeMapping business rule is executed when you click Automatically Map Attributes.
  • By default, when a rule is not defined, mapping is performed by lexicographically matching column names and attribute internal names.
  • You can define business rules in Data Setup to map attributes with design table columns as required.
  • The Enterprise Item Number attribute is added inside the Attributes valuation command and is automatically mapped with the Enterprise Item Number table column during the creation of a family.
  • During the resolution process, the Enterprise Item Number attribute is valuated on the resolved model based on its defined mapping.

  1. Click Valuate Attributes .
  2. In the Attributes Management dialog box, select Description (String) from the Attribute list.
  3. In the Column list, select Part Number.
  4. Click OK when done.

    Warning: The value of the Enterprise Item Number must be unique. If it is not in compliance with the administrator formatted value, when resolving the item, a warning message is displayed and the Part Number icon changes to red . Manually update the enterprise item number, then click Fix Family Items Problems.

    Note: Fix Family Items Problems does not verify the validity of the Enterprise Item Number.