Deleting Resolved Models

You can delete components of resolved models from their databases. Resolved models are parts or assemblies derived from generic models following the applications of parametric modifications defined in a product table.

Note: This function is only available for the Owner and Administrator roles of the Component Family Definition editor. This operation is irreversible.

Before you begin: The component family must be saved and unlocked before launching deletion.
See Also
About Testing and Resolving Family Items
  1. From the action bar, click Delete resolved models .
  2. In the Delete Items dialog box, select the resolved model of items you want to delete. Choose between:
    • All items
    • a specific Selection of items
    • Filter items to be deleted

    Two modes are available: Test Mode and Delete Mode.

    Table 1. Modes
    Test Mode Delete Mode
    • Simulates the deletion.
    • Displays simulated result of components to be deleted.
    • Labels Delete image in competent family tree below Items node.
    • Displays information in Reports section of dialog box.
    • Performs actual deletion.
    • Displays deleted component report in Reports section.
    • Updates family item status.
    • Saves component family.

    The following criteria determine which components are deleted:

    • A component must not have reached Target Maturity State. The Target Maturity State is defined in a business rule to adapt to customization. It is the maturity state that is reached when using automatic maturity change mode or the command that automates maturity change in the family editor.
    • A component must be created from the Generic Model component. This can be checked by using the Created From attribute on the Component to be deleted.
    • A component must not have been used in any other product.
    • A component must not be a resolved model of any other family.