About Script Security

Script security is important to preserve your data integrity. Certain features such as rules, checks, actions, and user-defined features can trigger undesirable Python and Visual Basic (VB) automation scripts.

Script Security Management preserves data integrity by:

  • Detecting unsecured or hidden Python or VB scripts when opening a document.
  • Using the actual running of a Python or VB script implicitly.
  • Providing users a choice to review scripts before they are triggered.

Script security detection uses the actual running of a Python or VB script implicitly from EKL. Various methods are taken into consideration. Any feature that can execute a Python or VB script during updates such as reactions or user-defined features are also taken into consideration. Explicit run scripts are not considered

You can start the script security panel from the action bar in Tools > Action Bar Customization.

Important: Script security management is session-dependent. The enabled/disabled status is lost when closing a session.