Searching for URLs

You can search for URLs that you linked to an object. It is only meaningful when the active document contains user parameters and/or relations to which comments or URLs were added. When an object has been assigned a certain number of URLs, the Explore tab of the URLs & Comment dialog box provides you with a way to search for a given URL.

  1. Click URLs and Comment and click a user parameter or a relation in the tree.
  2. In the URLs & Comment dialog box, select the Explore tab.
    The list of the URLs assigned to the selected object appears.
  3. Type the name (or a substring) of the URL to be searched for in the Search box and click Search.
    If the specified URL is found, yes appears in the Found column for every object containing a URL matching the search and only the first object to be found is highlighted.
    Note: If you want to assign URLs to relations, the Engineering Rules Capture app is required.