Using the Advanced Deactivation/Deletion Command

When working with design tables, you can use the Advanced Deactivation/Deletion command to deactivate certain formulas and delete some parameters and formulas. This command lets you delete:

  • the external parameters pointing towards the local parameters of the design table,
  • the formulas that valuate the parameters to be driven,
  • the design table local parameters,
  • the current design table

This command also lets you deactivate/reactivate the formulas that valuate the external parameters and the current design table. If the design table is activated, the command deactivates the formulas. If the design table is deactivated, the command reactivates the formulas.

  • The design table status is taken into account to determine the choice you can make whereas the formulas activity status is disregarded. So, if you deactivate the design table using the Deactivate command, all intermediate formulas are still active, and the Advanced Deactivation/Deletion command only lets you reactivate the design table.
  • A parameter can be driven by only one design table at a given time but if this design table is deactivated, the parameters that it drives are free and can thus be controlled by another design table. To prevent your data from getting corrupted when you delete one of the design tables, a check is performed. When parameters are shared by two design tables (maximum number of design tables allowed) , you must first deactivate the design table that is going to be deleted using the Advanced Deactivation/Deletion command, and then activate the second design table also using the same command. Then, you can delete the design table.

Before you begin: You must have created a product containing a design table driving parameters located in representations.
  1. Open the representation containing the design table and its parent product.
  2. Right-click the design table and select object > Advanced Deactivation/Deletion.
    The products and the representations impacted by the design table are loaded.
  3. In the Advanced Deactivation/Deletion dialog box, click:
    • Yes if you want to deactivate the formulas that value the parameters driven by the design table.
    • No if you want to delete the data created at the design table creation (local parameters of the design table, external parameters pointing towards them and formulas valuating the parameters of the representations driven).