Accessing the Knowledge Pattern Editor
To access the Knowledge Pattern Editor, from the Compass, click 3D Modeling Apps and select 3D Templates Capture. Then click Knowledge Pattern . The Knowledge Pattern Editor opens.
Accessing the Knowledge Pattern EditorTo access the Knowledge Pattern Editor, from the Compass, click 3D Modeling Apps and select 3D Templates Capture. Then click Knowledge Pattern . The Knowledge Pattern Editor opens. Status SectionThe Status section comprises three main functions. Check to Work in Optimized Mode : Lets you select an object in the tree or in the 3D area. It displays only the first level of objects in the editor, right below the selected object: it proves to be very useful when working with large models. Suppose your document contains a Geometrical Set object which itself is made up of several Shape Design points: If you press this icon, the Geometrical Set object in the 3D area displays only the first level of parameters below the Geometrical Set (the point coordinates are not displayed.). If you press this icon another time to disable the function, the Geometrical Set object displays all the parameters related to the points (the parameters defining the coordinates are included into the list). Note:
By clicking this button, the editor does not recognize parameters any longer. So if you type the name of a parameter into the editor without selecting it in the tree or in the 3D area, it is not recognized.
Check to Have an Automatic Expression Parsing: Lets your visualize syntax errors. Check to Have an Automatic Text Formatting : Lets you indent the script body. Actions SectionThe Actions section comprises the following functions: Find and Replace Text : Lets you find and replace text. Shows Language Browser: Lets you access the Language Browser (browser of types). To use this browser, you can either select the objects you want to work with in the 3D area or click ... to select the type from the list.
Highlight Syntax Error Line : Lets you reach the line containing the syntax error. URLs and Comments: Lets you to associate a URL or a comment with the pattern. Erase the text Field: Allows you remove the script from the editor. Execution FieldThe Options box comprises four functions:
Knowledge Pattern ListsThe Knowledge Pattern Lists is a box comprising three buttons:
EditorThe Editor enables you to enter the knowledge pattern script. The language to use in this editor is the Enterprise Knowledge Language (EKL). When working with "for i while" expression:
Context Commands in the EditorThere are two contextual commands:
Context Commands on the PatternContext commands let you define, execute, upgrade and reorder the pattern. The Knowledge Pattern context menu lets you: