Enables you to enter the
equations that you want to solve.
Constant parameters
Defines the parameters whose values are set by you and are considered
as constants by the solver. This value can be changed directly
in the Value column by clicking twice (slowly) in the Value
Unknown parameters
Parameters whose values are computed after you click Apply.
This arrow
is used to identify the variables of the set of constraints.
It must be pushed before choosing input and output variables.
The left arrow is used to move variables
from the Unknown parameters category to the
Constant parameters one.
The right arrow is used to move variables
from the Constant parameters category to the Unknown parameters
The Switch input/output arrow is used to
swap the selected constant and unknown parameters.
Options tab
The Options tab contains the following options:
Precision: Enables you to define the precision of
the results (i.e the number of decimal digits after the decimal
Use the Gauss method for linear equations: Accelerates
the solve operation when working with linear equations.
Termination criteria
Maximal computation time (sec.): Enables
you to indicate the computation time. If the indicated
time is equal to 0, the computation lasts until
a solution is found.
Show 'Stop' dialog: If selected, displays
a "Stop" dialog box that will enable you to interrupt
the computation.