Applying Ranges to Parameters Using a Rule

You can apply ranges to parameters using a rule. This function is available for the following parameters: Real, Integer and all dimensioned types.

Note: When a parameter with a range is driven by a relation (like a formula for example), the range prevails over the relation. For example, if you set the upper bound of a parameter to 15 and the formula tries to change the value to 20, the parameter value remains 15 even if it was set to 4 before.

  1. Click Formula , select Real from the New Parameter of type and click New Parameter of type twice to create two parameters.
    Real.1 and Real.2 are created.
  2. Select Real.1 and right-click the box next to the Edit name or value of the current parameter box.
  3. Select Add Range.
  4. Specify the inferior and the superior bounds (-5 and 5 for example), and click OK twice to close the dialog box and the Formulas editor.
  5. From the Compass, click 3D Modeling Apps , select the Engineering Rules Capture app then click Rule .
  6. Enter the following rule: Real.2 =Real.1 .InferiorRange and click OK.
    Real.2 value changes to -5.
  7. Double-click the rule under the Relations node and replace the existing script with Real.2 =Real.1 .SuperiorRange and click OK.
    Real.2 value changes to 5.