Solving a Set of Equations

You can solve a set of equations using the operators and functions of the EKL.

Note: You may also create a set of equation by clicking the relation set in the tree and clicking Set of Equations .

Before you begin:

You must have created product or 3D Shape containing parameters that are intended to be used as variables in a set of equations.

See Also
In the Knowledge Base
What are the limitations related to Sets of Equations?
  1. From the Compass, click 3D Modeling Apps , and select Engineering Rules Capture.
  2. Create the set of equations. To do so, do the following:
    1. Click Set of Equations .
    2. Enter the name of the equation.
    3. Enter a comment.
    4. Select a destination and click OK.
  3. Enter the set of equations in the editor.
  4. Click the Parse arrow and click Solve.
    Constant parameters Parameters whose values are set by you and are considered as constants by the solver. This value can be changed directly in the Value column by clicking twice (slowly) in the Value cell.
    Unknown parametersParameters whose values are computed after you click Apply.
    The value of each parameter appears first in the Unknown parameters frame, and in the tree.

  • In a set of equations, the semi-colon (;) is used as a separator.

  • The equations set capabilities require the Engineering Rules Capture app.

  • The Options tab contains the following options:

    Options Description
    • Precision: Enables you to define the precision of the results (i.e the number of decimal digits after the decimal point.)
    • Use the Gauss method for linear equations: Accelerates the solve operation when working with linear equations.
    Termination criteria
    • Maximal computation time (sec.): Enables you to indicate the computation time. If the indicated time is equal to 0, the computation lasts until a solution is found.
    • Show 'Stop' dialog: If selected, displays a "Stop" dialog box that will enable you to interrupt the computation.


This example shows you how to create a set of equations based on two Real type parameters.

  1. Create a 3D Shape containing two real type parameters x and y. Both parameters are intended to be used as variables in a set of equations.
  2. Assign values to the parameters: x = 12 and y = 10.
  3. From the Compass, click 3D Modeling Apps , and select Engineering Rules Capture.
  4. Click Set of equations . Enter the name of the equation and click OK.
  5. Enter the following set of equations in the editor: y - 2 *sqrt(x) ==2; y - 4 *x*x == 0
  6. Click the Parse arrow and click Solve.

    The value of each parameter appears first in the Unknown parameters frame, and in the tree.