Creating Analysis Reports Justification

You can enter a justification for a failed check or tuple and change its status to Not failed. This function might prove useful if you know why the check has failed and you do not want to take this reason into account.

To justify a check, a failed tuple, or a failed object, right-click it and select Justification, enter the justification text into the editor. The icons associated with the justified check, tuple, or object change to red and green .

Contextual Menu

Create JustificationEnables you to add a justification to the check or failed tuples/objects. If the check is selected, all objects located under this check receive the same justification. If a justification is defined in a tuple or object, this justification is replaced by a check justification.
Edit JustificationEnables you to edit a justification.
Remove JustificationEnables you to delete a justification.

  • Justifications have an impact on the computation of the percentage of failed and succeeded objects as the objects they apply to are seen as "succeeded."
  • If you remove a justification from a check, all justifications on tuples or objects located under this check are removed.
  • If you create a justification on a check, all justifications previously added to objects or tuples located under this check are overwritten by the new one.
  • If all objects or tuples located under a check or a rule set are justified, the check and/or the rule set is justified.
  • If you solve/save the rule base or the profile, justifications are kept/saved.