Opening the Assessment Result

You may need to access the assessment result to know the assessment quality of a model or to work on your design. To know more, see 3DEXPERIENCE Open: Common Tools: Quality Rules Configuration: Managing the Lifecycle of your Data According to a Profile Assessment Result .

  1. From the Compass, click the 3D Modeling Apps quadrant, and select Quality Rules Reuse.
  2. From theQuality Rules Reuse section, select Assessment Result .
    The Result Selection window appears.
  3. Select Filter to filter your search (by name, source or owner) and click Done.
  4. Select the report you want to display and click Open.
    The report appears.
    • To delete the report, select Delete.
    • If a part of the model on which you ran the profile has been deleted (since you last ran the profile), a garbage can appears next to the deleted item.