Exporting a Rule Base

You can export a rule base thus creating rules to be stored in a database from rules stored in a rule base in a representation.

Before you begin: Make sure that a product containing a set of expert rules or checks is already open.
Important: This scenario only applies to rule bases. To export V5 rule bases, see the Quality Rules ReuseFile-based Design Import section.
See Also
About Rule Bases
Activating and Deactivating a Rule Base
Solving a Rule Base
  1. In the tree, select the Representation or the Product node (beneath the product, only the current Knowledge Engineering Specification Physical is concerned).
    All the rule sets located below the Representation or the active Knowledge Engineering Specification are exported.
  2. Select Rule Base Export .
    The Prefix String dialog box opens.
  3. Type a customized name or keep the prefix used by default, and click OK.
    The KnowHow Authoring tab displays the resulting rules.
  4. Save the rule base.