Properties for IP Classification

These properties configure IP Classification.

For more information, see Configuring IP Classification.

Related Function Property Name
Allowed Values Description
Attribute Group
The property is used to display "This value also appears in another Attribute Group" message when you edit the attribute details. By default, value of the property is true. Same attribute can be defined in different attribute groups.
Enter a comma-separated list of attribute group names. Defines the list of attribute groups used by attribute groups.
Custom Library These properties allow you to use one set of properties for standard libraries, and the set in this section for custom libraries and classes.
The first property defines the default policy to use for a custom library; the second property defines the default policy to use for a class (classification). Use the symbolic name for the policy if you need to change these values. Defines the default policies to use for custom libraries.

By default, no value is entered for these properties.

Enter names of the vaults (must already be defined) as required.
Defines different vaults for use by the custom library/classes.
type_CustomLibrary.SmallIcon = iconSmallLibrary.gif
Enter the name of the required icon file. Defines an icon to be displayed to indicate the custom library.
Use the symbolic name for the administrative type if you want to change the value. Defines the type of classes permitted for a custom library or custom class.
Add the symbolic names for any required types to the comma-separated list. Defines what types of objects can be added to custom classes.

These values must be set to appropriate values for your installation.

If not defined here or the defined values do not exist in the database, the import process uses values from the XML file being imported.

Defines values for the vault, owner, and approver when importing a library taxonomy.

The import process will create data in the defined vault. The Owner of the import data would be the user defined in this section. Approver is used only when importing a Document Library.

  • true. When the Major object is added, to a General Class, its minor objects are also added to the General Class.
  • false. Only the Major object is added to the General Class.
Defines whether when a Major object is added to a General Class, its Minor objects are also added to the General Class.

This property works when using versioning.

Orphan Objects
eServiceLibraryCentral.Schema.AllowCreateOrphanObjects = FALSE
  • true. Users can create objects that do not have parent objects.
  • false. Users must create objects within the context of a parent object.
Specifies whether an object can be created without a parent.

This property does not apply to Libraries.

eServiceLibraryCentral.Schema.ExceptionCreateOrphanTypes =
When no value is specified (the default), no objects are exceptions. Enter a comma-separated list of the symbolic names of object types as required. Specifies exceptions when the AllowCreateOrphanObjects is FALSE.
  • Search WithIn functionality uses NETVIBES and full text search UI when the property is set to Indexed.
  • The property is considered only when emxFramework.FullTextSearch.QueryType is set to indexed, else Search WIthin functionality uses the old UI.
Enables Index Search in Search WithIn function in IP Classification.
Text Area
eServiceLibraryCentral.TextArea.MaxLength = 1000
Use integers only if you need to change the value. Specifies the maximum number of characters that can be entered into any text field.
eServiceSuiteLibraryCentral.emxTreeAlternateMenuName.type_ProjectVault = DCtype_ProjectVault
Replace the default tree with the symbolic name for the alternate tree. Defines alternate tree menus for a particular object type (to edit or create your own trees, see the Legacy ENOVIA Web Apps Customization Guide.
emxLibraryCentral.UIForm.Create.ValidationFile = 
Enter name of your custom JSP file. Specifies a custom validation file.

See the Legacy ENOVIA Web Apps Customization Guide for details on providing a custom validation file for create forms.

Displaying Classified Items
Example: If you have a class of 100 end items and you set,
emxLibraryCentral.Search.ThresholdLimit =50  

only 50 items are displayed. For any other, use the Search Within command.

Defines the number of end items to be displayed in a Class or a Family. If the number of end items is more than what is defined, Search Within command can be used to search the required end item.
Displaying End Items
Example: If

100 end items are listed during Search Within operation.

Defines the number of end items to be listed during Search Within operation.
eServiceSuiteLibraryCentral.UIFreezePane.ValidationFile = 
Enter name of the JSP file. Specifies a custom validation.
My Downloads and Download Report
Specifies whether to display My Downloads and Download Report options.

The valid values are

  • true
  • false

Usage Report
Specifies whether to display Usage Report option.

The valid values are

  • true
  • false