Creating a New Part Family

You can create part families under part libraries and under other part families. You can create any number of part families at any level of a part library hierarchy.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Leader
  • App-specific: Librarian

Before you begin: View the list of part families or sub part families where you want to create this new part family. See Part Families List.
  1. Select Create New from the page toolbar.

    If you have the authority to create orphan part families, you can select Actions > Create Class >Create Part Family.

  2. Enter details in these fields:

    Field name Description
    Type Part Family is preselected as the type. You cannot change the type unless your company has defined subtypes for Part Family.
    Title The title for the part family.
    Description A brief description of the part family.
    Pattern Separator Character that is used between the prefix and the part name; also between the part name and the sequence pattern.
    Base Number Starting number for the part name.
    Name Generator If the name generator on value is specified as On, all parts added to the family will be automatically named.
    Suffix Pattern The alphanumeric character pattern at the end of every part name that identifies the part family, for example, -0001. All parts with the same suffix are members of the same part family.
    Prefix Pattern The alphanumeric character pattern at the beginning of every part name that identifies the part family. For example, if the part family is Screws, the prefix pattern could be SCR.
    Sequence Pattern Sequence pattern to use in naming every part included in the part family.
    Policy Select a policy from the list. Your system might only have a single policy available.
    Owner Defaults to your user name. To select another user to be responsible for the part family, click , perform a search, and select a person from the search results list.
    Notify Click , perform a search, and select one or more users to be notified that the part family has been created. The names in the list are the users who have signature authority according to the lifecycle for the newly-created part family. If the selected part family type does not have a signature requirement, then the Notify field is unavailable.
    Message You can edit the default message as required.
    Create In Shows the name of the part library or part family where you started the create process. If you started the create process using the global Actions menu, you can click to select the general library, part family, or part library where you want to create this part library.
    Add To Folders To add this library to a folder, click and select a folder.

  3. Click OK.