You can obtain from the OpenStreetMap (OpenStreetMapĀ©) website location maps of locations all over the world. Enter the specific location, and OpenStreetMap displays the map for the location. While many of the maps available from the website are exclusively two-dimensional, some include both two and three-dimensional data.
The OpenStreetMap website also provides the capability to export the specific location map to an osm map file, that is, a specialized XML file with OpenStreetMap format.
Use this map file to:
- Import into a Site, Building, or in any other tab. The only requirement is that the tab has 3D shape representation.
However, you can only import three-dimensional map data into a tab that allows for buildings to be aggregated. In Buildings Space Planning, the Site tab supports building aggregation.
- Create a mass from a building footprint in a two-dimensional map file on a Site.
A building footprint is the outline area of a building structure defined by the perimeter of the building plan on a project site. Parking lots, parking garages, landscapes and other facilities that are not in the building premises are not included in the building footprint. While you create the building mass, you can specify the number of stories, the story height, and adjust the building axis system.