Space Requirements

Before you begin to use either the Space Browser or Space Program, you need to develop a space requirements spreadsheet for the building project. Before you use Color Spaces by Category, you need to develop a space color by category spreadsheet.

Your space requirements spreadsheet is especially useful because you can:

  • Import it into Buildings Space Planning keeping your column specifications intact.
  • Define spaces by the client's department and sub-department management structure. This structure becomes a method of filtering the spaces in the Space Browser.
  • Specify the dimensions of each space. When you drag a space into the building from either the Space Browser or Space Program, the space retains your specified dimensions.
  • Predetermine the story location for each space. These locations are preserved by both the Space Browser and Space Program functions. Both functions automatically open the appropriate story when you drag each space into the building.
  • Define an identifying color for each space. When you later drag the space from the Space Browser or Space Program into the building, the space retains the color, making it easy to quickly identify each planned space.

In this section:

Space Requirements and Space Color by Category Guidelines
Importing Space Requirements and Space Color by Category