Building Estimator Options

The Building Estimator provides summary data for different elements in your building project.

Each section of the Building Estimator has a table with multiple columns. To sort the data in a section by one of the columns, click the column header. The arrow displays the sort order. Click again to reverse the sort order.

This page discusses:


The Building tab displays summary data for the entire building.

The building name as listed in the tree.
The building ground level elevation.
The building height.
Gross Area
The floor area including area covered by walls but not including the roof.
Net Area
The area of occupiable space. The entry excludes floor area covered by external and internal walls, shafts, and elevator shafts.
Gross Volume
The external volume of the building.
Net Volume
The internal air space.


The Stories tab displays summary data for each story in the building.

The story name for each story as listed in the tree.
The elevation of each story as measured from ground level to the top of the story slab.
The height of each story from the top of its slab to the top of the next story slab.
Gross Area
The story area including the floor area used by walls.
Net Area
The occupiable space for each story. Data for this column excludes floor area used by the external and internal walls, shafts, and elevators.
Gross Volume
The story volume as measured from the outside face of the external walls and includes the slab thickness for the story.
Net Volume
The internal air space for each story.

The Building Estimator displays totals for Height, Gross Area, Net Area, Gross Volume, and Net Volume columns. To view a subtotal of specific cells within a column, hold down the Ctrl key and select the required cells. An Info panel displays the subtotals.


The Spaces tab displays data for all the spaces in the building.

The name of the space.
The number of the story containing each space.
The column displays the story containing each space as it appears in the tree.
The height of each space.
Ceiling Area
The ceiling area for each space.
Floor Area
The occupiable floor area of each space. Floor area excludes areas covered by elevators, shafts, columns, and walls.
Floor Perimeter
The perimeter of occupiable floor area for each space.
Wall Area
The wall vertical surface area of each space, excluding openings, doors, and windows.
Gross Volume
The volume of the space, including wall thickness and columns.

The Building Estimator displays totals for Ceiling Area, Floor Area, Floor Perimeter, Wall Area, and Gross Volume columns. To view a subtotal of specific cells within a column, hold down the Ctrl key and select the required cells. An Info panel displays the subtotals.


The Walls tab displays summary data for all the interior and exterior walls in the building.

The column displays Interior Walls and Exterior Walls.
The column displays the story containing the Interior Walls and Exterior Walls.
Gross Area
For Interior Walls, this entry is the sum of the vertical surface area of all internal walls on all stories including any openings for doors and windows. For Exterior Walls, this entry is the vertical surface area of all exterior faces of external walls, including any openings for doors and windows.
Net Area
For Interior Walls, this entry is the sum of the vertical surface area of all internal walls excluding openings, doors, and windows. For External Walls, this entry is the sum of the external faces of the external walls for the building, excluding openings, doors, and windows.
Gross Volume
For Interior Walls, this entry is the sum of the interior volume of all walls, including wall thickness and openings for doors and windows. For Exterior Walls, this entry is the sum of the exterior walls, including wall thickness and openings for doors and windows.
Net Volume
For Interior Walls, this entry is the sum of the volume of the interior walls, including wall thickness but excluding openings, doors, and windows. For Exterior Wall, this entry is the volume of all exterior walls for all stories, including all wall thickness but excluding openings, windows, and doors.
Glazed Area
For Interior Walls, this entry is the sum of all interior walls on all stories covered by glass. For Exterior Walls, this entry is the area of the exterior walls covered by glass.

The Building Estimator displays totals for Gross Area, Net Area, Gross Volume, Net Volume, and Glazed Area. To view a subtotal of specific cells within a column, hold down the Ctrl key and select the required cells. An Info panel displays the subtotals.

Note: The system includes the wall area and volume of all walls, including extracted walls. The system counts the area and volume of overlapping walls only once.


The Components tab displays the summary data for all the components in the building.

The name of the component.
The number of the story containing each component.
The column displays the story containing each space as it appears in the tree.
Quantity of components with the same properties present in each product in the building.

To view a subtotal of specific cells within Count column, hold down the Ctrl key and select the required cells. An Info panel displays the subtotals.


The Roofs tab displays summary data for all the building roofs.

Displays the text: Total Roof Area.
The roof area, which includes the area that roofing material or glass must cover.
Glazed Area
The roof area covered by glass.


The Slabs tab displays summary data for all the slabs in the building.

The name of the slab as it appears in the tree.
The name of the story containing each slab as it appears in the tree.
Gross Area
The slab area.
The slab perimeter, including edges of openings in the slab.
Gross Volume
The slab volume, excluding openings and recesses.

The Building Estimator displays the total for Gross Area, Perimeter, and Gross Volume columns. To view a subtotal of specific cells within a column, hold down the Ctrl key and select the required cells. An Info panel displays the subtotals.


The Floorings tab displays summary data for all the Ceilings and Floorings in the building.

The name of the Ceilings and Floorings as it appears in the tree.
The name of the story that contains individual Ceilings or Floorings as it appears in the tree.
Gross Area
The area of individual Ceilings and Floorings.
The perimeter of individual Ceilings and Floorings.
Gross Volume
The volume of individual Ceilings and Floorings.

The Building Estimator displays the totals of Gross Area, Perimeter, and Gross Volume columns for Floorings and Ceilings separately. To view a subtotal of specific cells within a column, hold down the Ctrl key and select the required cells. An Info panel displays the subtotals.

Action Buttons

Refresh Click to refresh the data.
Export Click to open a Save As dialog box, where you can save the data on the selected tab to an xml or Excel file.
Export All Click to open a Save As dialog box, where you save all the data in the Building Estimator to an xml or Excel file. The Excel file displays with each tab as a separate worksheet within a workbook.