Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts save you time when using Buildings Space Planning.

This page discusses:

Specific Keyboard Shortcuts

To Press
Activate a Story.A
Deactivate a Story. D
Open the Customize dialog for a quicker access to favorite commands. S
Create a circle from the center. C
Create a solid, thin, or surface extrude.X
Measure the distance, angle, radius, perimeter, and area between line points, surfaces, and places in sketches, components, or assemblies.M
Sketch a line.L
Sketch a rectangle.R
Switch to the left view.Ctrl+3
Switch to the front view.Ctrl+1
Switch to the right view.Ctrl+4
Switch to the back view. Ctrl+2
Switches to the top view. Ctrl+5
Switches to the bottom view.Ctrl+6
Switches to Isometric view.Ctrl+7
Switches to normal view.N
View Filter.V
Select Other.H
Zoom to fit in all.F

Standard Keyboard Shortcuts

To Press
Undo the last action.Ctrl+Z
Redo the last undo action. Ctrl+Y
Exit commands.Esc
Delete selected items from your document.Delete
Display the tree.F3