Analyzing BIM Attributes

You can analyze the attributes of selected PLM objects and view them in the tree and the 3D area.

Before you begin:
  1. Create multiple objects in the 3D area.
  2. Generate BIM product structure.
  3. Activate the tab containing the BIM product structure.
  1. From the Building section of the action bar, click BIM Attributes .
  2. From the tree or the 3D area, select an object.
    The BIM Attributes panel displays the title of the selected object and a list of attributes.
  3. In the BIM Attributes panel, click Analyze.
  4. From the list of attributes, select the attribute that you want to analyze.

    Note: If you select a magnitude attribute that can have a range of values, the system analyses it based on the minimum and maximum values. If you select an enumeration or boolean attribute that can have only a specified set of values, the system analyses it based on the possible values.

  5. To analyze a magnitude attribute, like Height or Gross perimeter, in the BIM Attributes panel:
    1. In Lower Value, enter the lower limit of the value.

      By default, the system displays the lowest available value of the attribute in the selected PLM object.

    2. In Upper Value, enter the upper limit of the value.

      By default, the system displays the highest available value of the attribute in the selected PLM object.

    3. In Split, select one of the following:

      Normal 4-partsDivides the values into four classes. Each class contains values within a range determined by four equal divisions of the values between the Lower Value and the Upper Value.
      QuartileDivides the values into a frequency distribution consisting of four classes. Each class contains one fourth of the total number of values.
      Tip: If the values are not evenly distributed between the Lower Value and Upper Value, select Quartile to visualize the difference more clearly than Normal 4-parts.
      Normal 10-partsDivides the values into ten classes. Each class contains values within a range determined by ten equal divisions of the values between the Lower Value and Upper Value.
      Tip: Select Normal 10-parts to analyze attribute values with more detail than Normal 4-parts.
      DecileDivides the values into a frequency distribution consisting of ten classes. Each class contains one tenth of the total number of values.
      Tip: If the values are not evenly distributed between the Lower Value and Upper Value, select Decile to visualize the difference more clearly than Normal 10-parts.

      Note: The system takes longer to process quartile and decile splits than normal-4 parts and normal 10-parts.

    4. In Scale, click either end of the color scale to set the color.

      You can set the color in the Color Picker dialog box using a color wheel, standard colors palette, square with saturation, or a HEX color code.

  6. To analyze a boolean or enumeration attribute, like Composition type or Predefined type in the BIM Attributes panel, the system assigns default color for the listed values.

    You can set the color for the listed values by double-clicking the color icons.

    Important: If more than seven enumeration attributes are analyzed, the system assigns black color to multiple values by default.

  7. Select the Apply only to leaf nodes check box to analyze only the leaf PLM objects.

    Tip: Use this option to differentiate the leaf objects from the parent objects.

  8. Click .

The system runs an analysis of the selected objects and displays the result in the 3D area.