Importing Building Components

You can update the Content Library stored or your system with the latest available content from the server.

  1. From the Building section of the action bar, click Import Building Components .
  2. In the Import Building Components dialog box, click OK.

    Tip: The update process can take some time. While the update is occurring, an indicator shows the time remaining to complete the update.

  3. If you receive a Message dialog box asking to overwrite the existing components, either:
    • Click Yes to update the existing content with revisions and to download any new content.
      Note: This revision can take some time as you are overwriting the existing content as well as adding new content.
    • Click No to only download new content and avoid overwriting the old content.

The system updates the Content Library and displays a message identifying the log file path. Check the log file directory to see the files listing the deleted, failed, and new components.