Creating 2D Markers

You can create 2D shape, freehand, text, picture, and hyperlink markers.

This task shows you how to:

Create a 2D Shape Marker

You can create 2D shape markers such as arrows, circles, rectangles, freehand curves, and splines.

You can create the following markers:

  • 2D Surfacic Arrow.
  • 2D Surfacic Left Right Bent Up Arrow .
  • 2D Surfacic Bent Up Arrow.
  • 2D Surfacic Left Right Arrow.
  • 2D Line.
  • 2D Arrow.
  • 2D Left Right Arrow.
  • 2D Circle.
  • 2D Fun Circle.
  • 2D Fun Rectangle.
  • 2D Fun Freehand.
  • 2D Spline
  • 2D Freehand.
  • 2D Rectangle.

Before you begin: Open an existing 2D review.
  1. From the Review section of the action bar, click the required marker, for example 2D Fun Circle .
  2. Click in the 3D area where you want to place the marker and drag.
    The marker is created.

    Notes: You can:
    • Use handles to modify the shape of the marker.
    • Select and drag the marker to change its position.
    • Use the Robot to change the position of the marker.
    • Rotate some of the markers such as 2D Surfacic Arrow using handles.

    • Customize the graphical properties of the marker.

Create a 2D Text Marker

You can create a 2D text marker.

Before you begin: Open an existing 2D review.
  1. From the Review section of the action bar, click 2D Text.
  2. Click in the 3D area where you want to place the marker.
    A context toolbar appears.
  3. Select the text marker type and text template to configure the text marker.
    Note: Depending on the marker type associated with the text template, the text template options are available in the text template list.
  4. Enter the required text in the text editor box and click OK .
    The text marker is created.
  5. Optional: To rotate the text marker,
    1. Drag the Robot and drop it onto the center of the marker.
    2. Rotate the handle of the Robot to rotate the marker.

Create a 2D Picture Marker

You can create 2D picture markers.

Before you begin:
  • Activate a markup.
  • Specify the document management preference for picture markers.
  1. Create a 2D picture marker using any of the following methods:

    Creation Method Inputs Marker Position
    Drag and drop
    • Drag the image files from your local computer, press Shift, and drop them in the 3D area.
    • Drag the picture documents from 3DSearch, bookmarks, or library browser, press Shift, and drop them in the 3D area.
    The markers are created with their leaders pointing the drop location. One marker is created per image.
    Using the 2D Picture command.
    1. Click 2D Picture . The 3DSearch panel lists all the documents containing the .tiff, .tif, .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .png, and .svg files, available on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
    2. Search and select your image document. You can also select the document from the Bookmark app.
    Specify the marker position using either of the following methods:
    • Click in the 3D area.
    • Click and drag to specify the leader start point and the marker's upper-left corner.

    Using an image from the clipboard.
    1. Copy an image.
    2. Do any of the following:
      • From the action bar, click Paste from Clipboard .
        Note: This command is not available on the action bar by default. You can customize the action bar and add this command to a section using Me > Preferences > Customize.
      • Right-click the active markup and select Paste from Clipboard .
    Press Shift and specify the marker position using either of the following methods:
    • Click in the 3D area.
    • Click and drag to specify the leader start point and the marker's upper-left corner.

  2. Optional: Modify the size, shape, and position of the marker as required.

Create a 2D Audio Marker

You can create audio markers.

Before you begin: Open an existing 2D review.
  • Open an existing 2D review.
  • Specify the document management preference for audio markers.
  1. From the Review section of the action bar, click 2D Audio.
  2. Click in the 3D area where you want to place the marker.
    The Audio Panel appears.
  3. Record a new audio or select an import type.
    To record a new audio, click .
    Warning: Import type options are unavailable if you insert a document from the database by searching from the top bar.
    • Import Document as Link: saves the document as a link.

    • Import Document as DOC and save it: imports the document in a DOC format and saves it.
  4. Select an audio file in .wav format.

The audio marker is created.

Note: For the 2D markers created on 3D geometry, the size and the position of the 2D markers are based on the height of the viewer. If you modify the width of the viewer, the size and the position of the markers do not change.