Applying a Slide

You can apply attributes that are stored in a slide in the window to an assembly.

This task shows you how to:

Apply a Slide

You can apply all overloaded attributes, overloaded session options and notes associated with a slide in the window.

Before you begin: Open an existing review.
Click the slide thumbnail. Alternatively, you can click the viewpoint pyramid in the 3D area and click the slide thumbnail.

Tip: You can also right-click the slide in the tree and select Apply Slide.

The slide, with its related details such as the attributes, session options, and notes, is applied in the window. The name of the last applied slide is underlined in the Slides View.
  • If you have made modifications after the last time you applied the slide, then you can save the modifications by either updating an existing slide or creating a new slide.
  • The applied slide is not an active slide. Therefore, you must update the slide to associate subsequent overloading and note creation to the slide.
  • Notes that are associated to the applied slide appear in show mode. You can right-click the note, select Hide/Show, and then update the slide to set the notes to no show mode.
  • You can apply a slide even if the associated markup is currently not active. When you apply the slide, the associated markup is activated automatically.