Creating a Slide

You can create a slide and capture the current viewpoint and state.

Before you begin: Create a markup and ensure that it is activated. For more information, see Activating or Deactivating a Markup.
  1. From the Review section of the action bar, click Slide .
    A new slide is created that captures the current content of the following:
    • Overloaded product structure attributes
    • Overloaded session settings attributes
    • Values of all visible review data

    The slide appears in the tree under the active review under the Slides node.

  2. Optional: To rename the slide:
    • Right-click the slide in the tree and select Properties.
    • Click and edit the slide name on the thumbnail in Slide View.
  3. Optional: To delete the slide, right-click the slide in the tree and select Delete.
  4. Optional: To apply the slide, click the slide's thumbnail, or right-click the slide in the tree and select Apply Slide.
    The applied slide is underlined in Slide View.

  • You can use the Copy and Paste command for slides.
  • You can use the Undo and Redo commands for slides.
  • A pyramid appears in the work area representing the slide's viewpoint. The tip of the pyramid indicates the position of the eye in the viewpoint. The square side represents the direction of sight.
  • The slide label appears along with a thumbnail and multiple options when you click the pyramid. You can click the name of the slide and rename it. You can also add a description to the slide.
  • You can click the slide thumbnail to apply the slide.
  • Slides take into account the hide and show statuses of support geometries.
Warning: A mask appears on:
  • The slide's thumbnail and the slide feature in the tree, when an overloaded object in the slide is unavailable in the session.
  • The section and compare features in the tree, when any of the pointed objects is unavailable in the session.

An object is not available if:

  • The concerned object is unloaded.
  • The concerned object is deleted from the product context.
  • The pointed object is replaced.

The mask disappears if the object is reloaded or if the links are fixed.