Baseline Lifecycle

The baseline lifecycle includes these states:

This page discusses:

Lifecycle StateQuality Manager Role PermissionsUser Permissions
In WorkEdit, PromoteView access to Quality Manager
In ApprovalEdit, Promote, DemoteView access to Quality Manager
ApprovedN/AView access to all roles
SupersededN/AView access to all roles

In work

A DMR baseline starts in the In Work state after it is created. A baseline cannot be promoted to In Approval state until:

  • All the DMR components are in their final states
  • There are no MBOM Pending relationships in the DMR structure.

In Approval

A Review task is created when the Quality Manager promotes the baseline from In Work to In Approval. The Review task cannot be completed until all the Actions tasks assigned to the Quality Manager and other persons are complete. If there are changes to the DMR structure, the Quality Manager can demote the baseline back to In Work.


When the Quality Manager approves the Review task, the DMR will be approved and moved to Approved state. The Approved date will be populated for the DMR Baseline. Demoting the DMR Baseline is not allowed once it is in the Approved state. After the baseline is approved, all users who have access to the part can view the baseline.


Upon revising an approved baseline, the previous revision moves to the Superseded state once a new revision is approved.