Routing through Auto Pathways

This section describes how to route a logical connection or other routable object and automatically create a pathway at the same time.

Before you begin: Create or open a logical description of your system with logical components, logical connections, shapes, but no pathways.
See Also
Routing through Existing Pathways
Resetting a Route
Associating a Pathway Connection Point to a Logical Port
  1. In 2D graph, select the logical connection you want to route.
    In 2D graph, a context toolbar appears.

    In the 3D view:

    • The shapes at the end of the logical connection are highlighted.
    • A line representing the logical connection between the shapes appears.

  2. In the context toolbar, click Auto Pathway Routing and then click anywhere in the 3D view.

In the 3D view, a pathway is created between the shapes and the logical connection is routed through it.

Important: If a shape at the end of a pathway is subsequently moved (using the Robot), the pathway will adjust automatically to the new position of the shape during an update.