Viewing Checked Out, Pending, or Rejected Documents

You can list documents that you have checked out, documents pending your approval, and documents you created that were rejected by an approver.

To access this page:

  1. You must be on the Documents Owned page.

    For more information, see: My Documents List.

  2. From the View filter, select a type from the following document types:
    • My Documents: Lists all types of documents that are owned by the user.
    • Checked Out: Lists all types of documents that are checked out by the user.
    • Pending (not available for Release Managers or Library Users): Lists all generic documents, document libraries and document families that are in review state.
    • Rejected (not available for Release Managers or Reviewers): Lists all generic documents, document libraries, and document families that are rejected.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Author, Contributor, Reader
  • App-specific: Library User

The Documents Owned Checked Out, Documents Owned Pending, and Documents Owned Rejected pages have the same columns:

Column Name Description
Name Name of the document. Select any Name to view the list of files checked into the document.
Rev The revision identifier for the document.
Type Type is Document or Generic Document.
Title Title of the document.
Description Details about the document.
State Current state of the document in its lifecycle.
Approver The person who has approved or is responsible for approving the document.
Opens the list of files in a new window.