Duplicating Objects with Advanced Options

The Duplicate Advanced command lets you duplicate a structure and choose to duplicate, reuse, or exclude each child object.

Compared to the Duplicate command, the Duplicate Advanced command provides options that give you more control over the resulting duplicated structure. No further save actions required.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:
  • Select all connected objects together to duplicate the connections and move them to the new objects. Otherwise, the new objects will remain connected to the initial object.
  • For functional and logical structures, select the With flows and types option in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > Social and Collaborative > Global Design Management > System Finder > Expand.

Duplicate Objects with Advanced Options

  1. Explore a structure, apply filters, and remove branches until you have the content you want to duplicate.
  2. Click the command.

    The Summary section displays the number of duplicated objects, and the size (in KB) of the representations to be duplicated (if any) that are transferred to the vault.

    If you selected several objects, all the content to be duplicated is displayed as well as all required content automatically added to the scope (for example, the representation of a 3D part).

    Note: If you selected a filtered object, only the child objects that are not filtered are displayed and will be part of the duplicate.

    A B.I. Essentials section also appears, showing the status of each element of the modified structure:

    To be inserted as new

    To be reused
    To be excluded

  3. To modify the duplication status for the selected objects, in the tree or in the 3D area, select an object and select the required option: Duplicate , Reuse , or Exclude .

    The Duplicate, Reuse, and Exclude options apply to the selected object and its children.

    Important: If you modify the duplication option applied to a child that is used several times in the structure, the option for all the occurrences of that child are modified accordingly.
  4. To define global duplication options, in the Duplicate Options panel, specify the options of your choice.
  5. To modify the attributes of the to-be-duplicated structure, in the Lifecycle section in the action bar, click Attributes or Sheet Editor.
  6. Click OK.

    Depending on the type of the initial tab, a new navigation tab or a new authoring tab appears, and shows the duplicated objects. Multiple tabs can be displayed if you initially selected unconnected objects.