This procedure describes how to change the maturity of all object types based on the
instance-reference model (for example, physical products).
If objects that are not
based on the instance-reference model (for example, documents, bookmarks, or
requirement specifications) are selected with other objects, they are excluded from
the scope of the operation.
For more information about the
instance-reference model, see PLM Components User's Guide: Basic PLM
Select one or several objects, and
click the command.
Maturity dialog box appears
- Aggregated representations are automatically added just
after their corresponding part, even if the aggregated
representations are not opened in the Authoring session. By
default, the chosen transition is applied to them.
you select a 3D part, the 3D representation of this 3D
part is not displayed in the dialog box but the new
maturity state also applies to this representation.
- If you selected an object with unsaved child connections
(added or removed children), a message appears to warn you
that changing the maturity state of the object might prevent
you from saving these child connections afterward.
example, if you promote the object to Frozen, you will not be able to save the child connections.
You will need to demote the maturity state of the object
to In Work to be able to save them.
This message only
appears if you selected an object type that follows the
instance-reference model. For more information, see
PLM Components User's Guide: Basic PLM
In the Choose Transition list, select the
appropriate transition.
The Choose Transition box provides the list of valid transitions
from the current maturity state of the object. Therefore, if you are in the
initial state, there could be only one option available that allows you to
change the maturity state.
For each object, an icon indicates if the transition can be applied to
the object:
Applicable Transition
Not Applicable Transition
To exclude an object and not apply the maturity transition to it,
double-click the corresponding Applicable Transition icon .
The icon changes to
(Not Applied Transition) and the object's maturity
state is not modified when the transition is applied.
Click OK to apply the transition.
A message appears at the upper-right corner indicating that the command completed
successfully. The maturity state is updated for all objects with the
Applicable Transition