Revision Explorer User Interface

The Revision Explorer shows the existing revisions and branches of an object, and the links between them. You can also display the duplicates of the object.

When creating revisions and branches with New Revision, New Revision From, or New Branch commands, the newly created revisions or branches are added to the current Revision Explorer.

When creating duplicates with the Duplicate command, if the Show Duplicates option is activated, the newly created duplicate is added to the current Revision Explorer. If this option is not activated, the view switches to this duplicate's Revision Explorer.

This page discusses:

Revision Explorer Toolbar

Command Description
Help Provides additional information about the Revision Explorer.
Refresh Refreshes the information about the object to capture any recent updates.

Your choice is persistent after refreshing the browser and in your next sessions.

Graph View The objects are displayed as thumbnails, with their name, and revision level.
Graph List View The objects are displayed in a grid view, with the icons corresponding to the operation that created them next to their title.
Show Duplicates

Your choice is persistent after refreshing the browser and in your next sessions.

Displays the duplicates of the object.

By default, only the revisions and branches of the object appear in the Revision Explorer.

The icon becomes blue when the duplicates are displayed.

Graph View Toolbar

The following commands are displayed when the Revision Explorer is in graph view. For more information, see Use the Revision Explorer in Graph View.

Command Description
Orientation Left The initial object is on the right.
Right The initial object is on the left.
Up The initial object is on the bottom.
Down The initial object is on top.
Zoom to Fit Displays the entire Revision Explorer.
Toggle Map Overview Visibility Hides or display the map overview.
Settings Customizes the attributes displayed in the thumbnails.

For more information, see Customizing the Display of the Revision Explorer.

Graph List View

The following command and columns are displayed when the Revision Explorer is in graph list view. For more information, see Use the Revision Explorer in Graph List View.

Graph List View Toolbar

The Settings command enables you to customize the display of the graph list view and the attributes displayed in the different columns.

For more information, see Customizing the Display of the Revision Explorer.

Graph List View Columns

Column Description
Graph The Revision Explorer for the object, showing the lifecycle links between the objects.

This column is only available when objects are sorted by creation date.

Title The title of the object.
Display Thumbnails The thumbnail representation of the object, with its name and revision number.
Name The name of the object.
Revision The revision number of the object.
Maturity The maturity state of the object.
Creation Date The date on which the object was created.
Modification Date The date on which the object was last edited
Description The detailed description of the object.
Enterprise Item Number The Enterprise Item Number assigned to the object.
Owner The user who is responsible for the object. Also referred to as the owner.
Collaborative Policy The policy that defines the object's lifecycle and collaboration behavior.
Type The type of the object.
Collaborative Space The collaborative space the object belongs to.
Published The publication status of the object:
  • true: The object is published.
  • false: The object is not published.
Locked The lock status of the object:
  • true: The object is locked and cannot be edited except by the user that has locked it.
  • false: The object is not locked. Any user can edit it.
Locked By The user that has locked the object.
Organization The organization the object belongs to.
Revision Comment Comments associated with the specific revision.
Vault The vault the object belongs to.