Build Lifecycle

There are two types of builds: hardware and software. They each follow the same lifecycle.

Hardware builds comprise the physical hardware built by manufacturing. Hardware products may also have software builds attached to them. Software builds comprise the electronic files that are distributed through separate media or through the hardware product itself.

A user with the Product Manager, Marketing Manager, Product Planner, or Leader role can create builds.

Note: The Product Planner role is only available when the Unit BOM Management app is installed.

This page discusses:


A user with the Product Manager, Marketing Manager, Product Planner, or Leader role creates the build in the Plan state, and is its owner.

In this state, only the owner can see the build. The owner can modify, connect, disconnect, or delete the build, or promote it to the Build state. The context owner can create a build and add a product.


In the Build state, a user with the Product Manager, Marketing Manager, Product Planner, or Leader role can modify, connect, disconnect, or delete the build, demote it to the Plan state, or execute the build and promote it to the Internal Test stage.

In this state, the build is visible to all users with access to the collaborative space.

Internal Test

In the Internal Test state, a user with the Product Manager, Marketing Manager, Product Planner, or Leader role performs various internal tests on the build.

When internal tests are passed, the build is promoted to the External Test state. Before the build is promoted, a user with the Product Manager, Marketing Manager, Product Planner, or Leader role can also modify, connect, or demote the build to the Build state.

External Test

In the External Test state, a user with the Product Manager, Marketing Manager, Product Planner, or Leader role performs various external tests on the build.

When external tests are passed, the build is promoted to the Complete state. Before the build is promoted, a user with the Product Manager, Marketing Manager, Product Planner, or Leader role can also modify, connect, or demote the build to the Build state.


In the Complete state, user with the Product Manager, Marketing Manager, Product Planner, or Leader role confirms the various tests on the build.

The build cannot be modified in this state. A user with the Product Manager, Marketing Manager, Product Planner, or Leader role can choose to promote the build to the Release state or demote it to the External Test state.

When Unit BOM Management is installed, promoting a build from the Complete state to Release state is known as shipping the build. Before a build can be shipped, its As-Built structure must be completed and when the build is shipped, a read-only view of its As-Shipped structure is made available.


In the Release state, a build can be used with a product. A user with the Product Manager, Marketing Manager, Product Planner, or Leader role can modify, connect, or disconnect the build, promote it to the Obsolete state, or demote it to the Complete state.

Upon promotion to the Release state, a check validates that the build's As-Built structure, if any, is complete. The build's As-Built structure is complete when:

  • The build is either installed or uninstalled and can no longer be allocated.
  • The build has an assigned serial number.
  • The build has an assigned part number.
  • All first level child builds are in the Complete or Release state.
Next, the build's shipped date is updated with the system date. The build's read-only As-Shipped view is created. The As-Shipped view is a view of all its child builds that have been installed. A child build is considered installed when it has an installed date that is greater than its uninstalled and allocated dates (including null uninstalled and allocated dates).

When Unit BOM Management is installed, a user with the Product Manager, Marketing Manager, Product Planner, or Leader role can modify the build through the Allocate, Deallocate, Add New, Add Existing, and Replace With commands. The ability to modify the build allows for service and maintenance jobs after a build is shipped.


In the Obsolete state, a user with the Product Manager, Marketing Manager, Product Planner, or Leader role can demote the build to the Release state. The build cannot be modified.