ECRs cannot be created in this release but legacy ECRs may still be in
the Create state. When the ECR was created, the creator assigned an
organization to have change responsibility to manage all predefined
The ECR originator can attach parts and specifications that this
change affects. After building the ECR, the originator promotes it to the
Submit state. A system ensures that the change responsibility has been defined
and that there is an ECR Coordinator defined within that organization.
As the ECR enters the Submit state, the owner changes, and the ECR is
routed to the ECR Coordinator who is the responsible change organization
defined in the lead
(if there is more than one) as ECR Coordinator. The ECR type must be classified
as either an ECR or a Deviation Change Request (DCR). The ECR Coordinator can
determine the classification by selecting TRUE or FALSE from the Deviation
Process list on the Editing ECR Details page. If TRUE is selected, when the ECR
is promoted to the Evaluate state, the ECR type changes from ECR to DCR and the
ECR policy from ECR to DCR.
In the Submit state, the ECR Coordinator decides whether the change is
required and if it is explained in sufficient detail. If clarification is
required, the ECR Coordinator demotes the ECR to the Create state and it is
reassigned to the originator to make required changes.
If the ECR is acceptable, the ECR Coordinator assigns a Responsible
Design Engineer and one or more additional assignees who have the same access
as the owner of the ECR. The Responsible Design Engineer is the lead engineer
for evaluating the change and can reassign assignee resources as required. The
Responsible Design Engineer can be any user with the Design Engineer or
Manufacturing Engineer
who is a member of the organization that is assigned change responsibility or
design responsibility.
The ECR Coordinator, the ECR Evaluator, and any assignees can add
proposed changes and become assigned to the proposed change. Their names will
appear on the ECR Assignees page.
The ECR Coordinator chooses a reviewer list route template to create
the standard route for the ECR.
The ECR Coordinator promotes the ECR to the Evaluate state. All
assignees and the Responsible Engineer receive notifications.
As the ECR enters the Evaluate state, the owner is automatically
changed to the specified ECR Evaluator / Responsible Design Engineer, who is
the assignee of all proposed changes added by the ECR Coordinator and the
Responsible Design Engineer. The ECR is routed to that person and to all
assignees for other proposed changes.
In the Evaluate state, the Responsible Design Engineer and assignees
review the change description, any supporting documentation, and the parts and
specifications attached, and check that all part dispositions are set
correctly. The Responsible Design Engineer can also attach additional parts and
drawings or even change some of the existing connections based on specific
knowledge of how the change is actually likely to be done. The Responsible
Design Engineer also assigns users to the reviewer list for use in the Review
If clarification is required, the Responsible Design Engineer demotes
the ECR back to the Submit state and it is automatically reassigned back to the
ECR Coordinator.
When the Responsible Design Engineer or an assignee adds proposed
changes to the ECR, that person becomes the assignee of that proposed change.
Also, if they create a markup (BOM or Item) for a proposed change, the proposed
change assignee becomes the owner of the markup and has the authority to
approve it for implementation or reject it. Before the ECR can be promoted, all
attached markups (BOM or Item) must be approved or rejected by the owning
If the ECR is acceptable, the Responsible Design Engineer promotes it
to the Review state. The system check ensures that the change responsibility
has been defined, that there is an ECR Chairman defined within that
organization, and a reviewer list has been assigned.
On promotion to the Review state, a route is created and started using
the template from the reviewer list with a Route Base Purpose set to "Standard"
and a Route Completion Action set to "Promote Connected Objects." All tasks
must be completed before the ECR can be promoted from Review to Plan ECO. The
owner of the route is the current ECR owner, usually the Responsible Design
Engineer. When all tasks are complete, the route owner is notified and can then
promote the ECR. If a route already exists, which may happen on demote and
subsequent promote, then a new route is not created but a message is sent to
the route owner (Responsible Design Engineer) to restart the route.
As the ECR enters the Review state, the owner is automatically changed
to the ECR Chairman and the ECR is routed to that person.
In this state, the ECR Chairman and the people assigned to the
reviewer list review the ECR, all supporting documentation, and the BOM and
Item Markups. They either approve or reject the ECR by approving or rejecting
their assigned route tasks.
If one or more route tasks are rejected, the ECR cannot be promoted.
In this case, the ECR Chairman needs to evaluate the rejected comments. If the
ECR Chairman feels the ECR needs more work, then he rejects his task and
demotes the ECR back to the Evaluate state where the ECR approvers and
assignees are able to add the proposed changes that need additional work. The
Responsible Design Engineer must then promote the ECR again when it is ready
for review.
The ECR Chairman can also cancel the ECR, as long as there are no
applied markups attached to the ECR.
When the last signature (the ECR Chairman) is approved, the ECR
auto-promotes to the Plan ECO state.
Plan ECO
As the ECR enters the Plan ECO state, the owner
is automatically changed to the Responsible Design Engineer and the ECR is
routed to that person.
The Responsible Design Engineer assigns the proposed changes to a new
or existing ECO for implementation. This is done through the Assign to ECO menu
command on the ECR Proposed Changes page. This menu is active only when the ECR
is in the Plan ECO state. The engineer selects one or more items to add to the
As the ECR enters the Complete state, the owner is automatically
changed to a special user in the system named "Corporate." This has the effect
of locking down the ECR so no additional changes can be made and it removes the
ECR from the engineer's desk.
The ECR can be promoted to this state manually from Plan ECO or when
any ECO attached to this ECR reaches the
In any state before Plan ECO, the ECR can be canceled by the ECR owner
or any ECR Chairman in the organization that has change responsibility for the
ECR. This halts the ECR's lifecycle and ends the change management process for
its proposed changes.
When an ECR is canceled, the following actions are performed:
- All proposed changes connected to the ECR are disconnected.
- All routes connected to the ECR are disconnected. The route owner
receives notification that the route has been canceled. If the ECR is the only
content of the route, the route is stopped.
- Route templates connected to ECR are disconnected.
- All assignees, distribution list, and reviewer list members, as
well as the ECR originator are notified that the ECR has been canceled.
- The ECR is promoted to the Canceled state.