Test Case Lifecycle

This lifecycle controls the states through which requirement test cases progress.

The Test Case lifecycle includes these states:

This page discusses:


In the "Private" state, only the Owner or object owner can see the test case. The test case is not visible to other members of the Collaborative Space.

In Work

The test case is created in the "In Work" state. Test cases are always created within the context of another object. Any user that has permission to create an object can create a test case associated with that object. In the "In Work" state, the test case creator, owner, and assignees can add and edit information about completion and validation of the test case.


Once the test case is in the "Frozen" state, only the Leader can edit information.


Only a user with the baseline Administrator role can demote a test case once it is in the "Released" state. In this state, the test case cannot be modified by anyone.


Once the test case is in the "Obsolete" state, it can no longer be used.