Displaying Views

In a layout containing many views, displaying views increases the productivity of your review process.

The commands described in this task are available for all types of views of the current layout, except multiplane section sub-views, in the 2D and in the 3D window of the current layout.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Open a 3D shape representation containing a layout. Open the layout in the 2D window, alongside the 3D window.

Track History of View Display

You can track the history of view display in the current working session using a specific option.

  1. Select Display in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Mechanical Systems > 2D Layout Insight.
    For more information, see Display.
  2. Select the Track history of view display check box.
    From now on, after they are displayed, the views are identified in the tree using a light purple background.
    Note: Already displayed views remain identified using the light purple background within the current working session, even if you deactivate the option later on.

    Views that have not been displayed yet are identified in the tree using a transparent background.

Display Views

You can set up the optimal context for checking views.

  1. In the tree, right-click the view you want to display.

    If you are working in the 2D window of 2D Layout for 3D Design, you can also right-click the view and select 3D Visualization > Display View in 3D. In this case, the view will be displayed in the 3D area.

    A context menu appears.
  2. Select Display View.
    • The selected view is displayed in the most appropriate way according to the context. In the 3D window, a number of elements are either shown (the view, its sheet and layout) or hidden (other views of the sheet, other sheets) as necessary. In the 2D window, the selected view and the sheet containing it are activated if necessary. Active views are identified in the tree using a light blue background. The "active view" status has priority over the "already-displayed view" status.
    • A reframe is performed on the view display area. This display area is either the default one, or a custom one. The default reframe does not take into account the 2D elements in the view background.
    • A button appears at the upper-right corner of the work area which displays the name and icon of the view with the filters and sectioning (if any). Clicking this button removes the filters and the sectioning.
    • The Cutting Plane and Display Backgrounds as Specified for Each View options are activated in the View section of the action bar.
    • For section views and section cut views, the sectioning is displayed according to the preferences set in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Mechanical Systems > 2D Layout Insight > Display section > Sectioning Properties expander. The sectioning is not dynamic. That is, after viewing the section in 3D, if some of the elements effecting the view are edited, the view is not auto-updated.
    • If Track history of view display is selected, the selected view is identified as displayed in the current working session and the color of the view item is modified accordingly in the tree.

Tip: You can remove the color code used to identified already-displayed views in the tree. Right-click the layout and select Delete History of Displayed Views.