Creating a Favorite Context

You can create a favorite context to refine what you need to load in the session according to .

Before you begin: Open an existing product containing a representation with .
See Also
About Favorite Context
Opening with Favorite Context
  1. Activate the representation.
  2. Right-click the and select Favorite Context.

    The immersive Favorite Context dialog box appears.

    Important: The favorite context definition is associated with the representation containing the .
    Note: You can swap between Favorite Context and tree using Tree and Favorite Context commands. If required, you can drag the Favorite Context dialog box at the required position.
  3. Click Click here to capture current context to capture the current context.

    This message appears when no context is set, or when the context is not related to the current occurrence complete path. The current root product and the current representation instance appear in the Context list.

    • This favorite context is named full favorite context, where a link to the root product is created and the instance position is kept.
    • The favorite context is named limited favorite context, when no capture is made and only the path to the root product is kept.
    • Pressing Esc will exit the Favorite Context Definition dialog box and the favorite context will be not created.

    As soon as the product context is set, the Favorite Context dialog box displays Click here to query filters related to your context in the Filters area. However, note that if the product context is removed, this line is hidden.

  4. Click Click here to query filters related to your context.
    The Search: Filters related to XXX dialog box appears, where XXX is the title of the product.

    The search results are displayed (if not already on screen). The embedded filters corresponding to the product context are displayed in the upper area while the related filters are displayed in the lower area of the dialog box.

    • The embedded filters are not displayed in the list till they are embedded and the search query is re-executed.
    • You can also search the filters by entering a search string for a PLM filter in the Search box in the Top Bar.

  5. Select the filter and close the Search: Filters related to XXX dialog box.
    Selected filters appear in the Filters list with _3dm suffix.