Navigating Between Tabs

When working in a layout, you will often need to switch back and forth between the 2D and 3D tabs.

Before you begin: Open a 3D representation containing a layout.
  1. From the Compass, click 2D Layout Insight.
    The layout opens in a new tab, alongside the 3D tab.
  2. Use one of the following methods to switch back and forth between the 2D and 3D tabs:
    • Click the tab you want to use.
    • Double-click a specific feature from the tree: for example, PartBody to switch to the 3D tab, or Sheet.1 to switch to the 2D tab.

    The behavior may depend on your system requirements.

    Tip: To keep multi-selected elements while switching from the 3D to 2D tab, trap the selection in the 3D tab and then either click the 2D tab title bar with the left mouse button, or click the 2D tab with the middle mouse button. This method lets you use the selection to create use-edges, for example.