About Using Standard-Defined Styles

This topic provides more information about the use of styles, which are defined in the standard used by the drawing.

This page discusses:

See Also
Using Standard-Defined Styles

General Information

  • The styles available in the Object Properties panel under Style are specified in the standards by the administrator.
  • Styles are used as default values when creating elements. However, after an element is created, no link remains between this element and the style used for its creation.
  • Depending on the type of style selected (curve, dimension, etc.), only the relevant boxes are available in the various properties in the Object Properties panel. For example, if you select a curve style, the text and dimension properties are not available in the associated properties in the Object Properties panel.
  • If you select more elements than allowed with the Limit display of handles to [--] element(s) option (available through Me > Preferences > General > Display > Navigation tab), then the Style does not display the styles of the selected elements, but all the styles of the representation.
  • When you select an element, no style is displayed in the Style. However, if you expand the list, you can see the list of styles that you can apply to that element (as per the styles defined by your administrator in the standard for this type of element). You can change the properties of the element by selecting another style from the list.

Specific Information Regarding Dimension Styles

  • In the case of dimensions, note that if you use the generic Dimensions command, all default dimension styles (that is length, radius, etc.) are available in the Style.
  • In this case, make sure that you first select the style corresponding to the type of dimension that you are about to create, that is before overloading it. Otherwise, you are overloading the current dimension style (which is Length by default).
  • If you subsequently select an element that does not match the current dimension style, the style changes to match the selected element (for example, if you select a circle, a radius dimension is created) and you lose your style modifications (that is the style for the selected element is not overloaded).
  • When applying styles to an existing dimension, the styles related to the dimension value position and to the dimension horizontal offset are not applied. (They are, however, applied when creating dimensions).