
You can measure 2D and 3D items within the 2D Layout for 3D Design app.

Note: The measure is displayed within a dialog box and not as a graphical element. It does not appear in the tree.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Open a 2D layout representation containing geometry.

Measure Between Items

You can measure the distance between two items.

  1. From the Tools section of the action bar, click Measure Between .
  2. In the Measure Between dialog box, under Mandatory, select an option from the Type of Measure and the Calculation mode lists.
  3. Under Parameters, define the Selection mode for both the elements.

    By default, Any geometry mode is selected.

  4. Select two items from the layout or view.
    Their descriptions appear in the Selection 1 and Selection 2 boxes. Simultaneously, the result is displayed below showing the information about the selected items.
    Note: To hide the displayed result, click << Less Results.
  5. Optional: Select the Customize tab and clear the unwanted options to modify the displayed result.
  6. Click Close.

  • Area fills and generated geometry can be selected to measure their perimeter, center of gravity and area. However, an area fill cannot be measured if it is in a 2D component instance.
  • Area fills and generated shapes cannot be selected with the Measure Between command.
  • In the background of a 2D layout view, a selected point, an edge, a surface or an area fill is measured from 3D. It is not measured from its projection in the 2D window.

Measure Items

You can measure the items.

  1. Click Measure Item .
  2. In the Measure Item dialog box, in the Calculation mode box, select a mode.
  3. Under Parameters, choose a Selection mode from the list. Available options are:
    • Any geometry

    • Picking point

      Note: This mode is not useful within the 2D Layout For 3D Design app.

    • Point only

    • Edge only

    • Surface only

    • Edge limits
  4. Select an item from the layout or view .
    Its description appears in the Selection box and simultaneously the result is displayed below showing the information about the selected item, or the addition of data for all selected items.
    Note: You can select more than one item of the same selection mode. The Selection box indicates the number of selected items.
    Important: If you select more than one element using the Any Geometry selection mode, then, the first element you select redefines the selection mode. For example, if you select a point initially, then you can only select points.
  5. Optional: Select the Customize tab and clear the unwanted options to modify the displayed result.
  6. Click Close when done.