Representation | Type |
3DProjection / 2DSymbol / NoProjection |
Specifies if an equipment should be projected as a 3D projection, a 2D symbol or should not be projected. By default, the value is 3DProjection.
2DDetailOrientation |
Yes/No |
Specifies whether or not the 2D Detail should be oriented as per the connected object. By default, the value is No.
Catalog/Chapter Name | String | Specifies the name of the drawing catalog or drawing chapter referenced in the associated Data Setup resource set. There is no default value. |
Name | String | Specifies the name of the text template referenced by the drawing catalog in the associated Data Setup resource set. There is no default value. |
CenterOfGravitySymbol | Generation | Yes/No | Specifies whether or not the center of gravity symbol of the equipment should be projected in the view. By default, the value is No.
Catalog/Chapter Name |
String |
Specifies the name of the drawing catalog or drawing chapter referenced in the associated Data Setup resource set. There is no default value. |
Name | String | Specifies the name of the center of gravity symbol referenced by the drawing catalog in the associated Data Setup resource set. There is no default value. |
| Generation | Yes/No | Specifies whether or not the text template should be projected in the view. By default, the value is No.
Catalog/Chapter Name | String | Specifies the name of the drawing catalog or drawing chapter referenced in the associated Data Setup resource set. There is no default value. |
TextTemplateName | String | Specifies the name of the text template referenced by the drawing catalog in the associated Data Setup resource set. There is no default value. |
| Generation | Yes/No | Specifies whether or not wire annotations should be projected in the view. By default, the value is No.
GenerateHeader | Yes/No | Specifies whether or not to generate a header for the wire annotation table. By default, the value is No.
TableSplit | Integer | Specifies the number of lines in a table split. |
SpaceBetweenTwoSplit | Integer | Specifies the space separating two splits of the table. |
CellMargin | Integer | Specifies the margins value in a table cell. |
DisplayUnit | Yes/No | Specifies whether or not to generate an associated text template. |
Sorting | Ascending/Descending | Specifies the sorting order. Priority is always given to numbers. For alphanumeric initial, sorting is performed in alphabetical order and then in numeric order.
DisplayEmptyCavity | Yes/No | Specifies whether or not to display empty cavities in the table. When the parameters is set to Yes, a dash (-) appears in the corresponding cells. |
MergeDuplicateCavity | Yes/No | Specifies whether or not to merge cells corresponding to duplicated cavities. |
| Column | | Specifies the display order for each attribute. |