Callout Properties

Callout lets you modify callout properties.

Select the Callout tab to access properties.


Properties selected in the Graphic Properties toolbar also influence the graphical attributes you apply to the selected callout (line color, line type, line weight, Copy Object Format command, Pattern Chooser option).

Callouts are created using the default styles, set in the standards. After callout creation, you can modify the style parameters in the callout properties.

This page discusses:

Auxiliary/Section Views

Draws continuous line(s)
Draws auxiliary/section callouts using continuous lines.
Draws mixed line(s)
Draws auxiliary/section callouts using mixed lines.
Draws elbows and extremities only
Draws auxiliary/section callouts using elbows and extremities.
Draws one arrow only
Draws auxiliary/section callouts using one arrow.

When you click any of the above buttons, the current style parameters are changed to hard-coded values overriding the user-defined and standard parameters. This action cannot be undone.

However, you can specify the values manually or apply user-defined styles through Object Properties panel.

Line thickness
Defines the thickness of the main line.
Line type
Defines the type of the main line.
Extr. thickness
Defines the thickness of the elbows and extremities.
Defines the length of the elbows and extremities.
Anchor point
Sets the anchor point to the head or to the tail of the arrow.
Size not dependent on view scale
Specifies that the callout visualization size should not be dependent on the view scale.

Detail Views

Draws circle and leader
Draws detail callouts using a circle and a leader.
Draws open circle and arrows heads
Draws detail callouts using an open circle and arrows heads.
Draws open circle
Draws detail callouts using an open circle.
Defines the thickness of the circle.
Defines the type of the circle.
Arrow length
Defines the length of the arrows.
Defines the arrow head type.
Defines the arrow head length.
Defines the arrow head opening angle.