Dimension Texts Properties

The Dimension Texts lets you modify dimension properties.

Select the Dimension Texts tab to access properties.

This page discusses:

Prefix - Suffix

Defines a text or a symbol as prefix or suffix for the dimension text.

  • You can insert either prefix or a suffix.
  • To remove the symbol before the dimension text, click Insert Symbol and select the None symbol:

Associated Texts

Defines a text before, after, above or below the dimension text main value and dual value.


These properties are only available with the Show dual value property of Value properties.

Dimension score options

Defines the score application for the main value and dual value:

  • No score.
  • Value.
  • All.

These properties are only available with the Show dual value property of Value properties.

Dimension frame options

Defines what the frame does include for the dimension.

Defines what the frame does include for the dimension elements:
  • Value
  • Value + Tolerance
  • Value + Tolerance + Texts
Defines what the frame does include for the dimension group:
  • Main.
  • Dual.
  • Main and dual.
  • Both groups.