Annotation Styles

The annotation styles let you define the default values that are used while creating the annotations.

This page discusses:

Annotation styles are located in the Styles node of the Standard Definition editor, available through Me > Preferences > Standards.

By default, a style called Default is available for each annotation style.

All the parameters associated to a given annotation style are listed in a dedicated table.

The Description column provides a description of each parameter. Certain parameters are only considered at creation time (that is, when creating the annotation), and not at modification time (that is, when reapplying a style to an annotation: the Applies at modification column indicates whether this parameter is taken into account at modification time.

Text Styles

Parameter Description Applies at modification
Font > Name

Specifies the name of the font that must be used for texts. If no font name is specified, the system's default font is used.

Make sure that the text font specified here belongs to the list of allowed text fonts, as defined in the General > AllowedTextFonts node of the Standards editor.

Font > Bold

Indicates whether or not texts must be displayed in bold.

Font > Italic

Indicates whether or not texts must be displayed in italic.

Font > Size Indicates the font size that must be used for texts.

Make sure that the font size specified here belongs to the list of allowed fonts sizes, as defined in the General > Allowed Text Font Sizes node of the Standards editor.

Font > Underline Indicates whether or not texts must be underlined. Yes
Font > Color Specifies the color that must be used to display texts. Yes
Font > Ratio Specifies the ratio that must be used to display texts. Yes
Font > Slant Specifies the slant that must be used to display texts. Yes
Font > Spacing Specifies the spacing that must be used to display texts. Yes
Font > Pitch Specifies the pitch (fixed or variable) that must be used to display texts. Yes
Font > Strikethrough Indicates whether or not strikethrough must be used for texts. Yes
Font > Overline Indicates whether or not the text must be overlined. Yes
Font > Kerning Indicates whether or not the text must be kerned. Yes
Text > Frame Specifies the type of frame that must be used to represent texts. Note that fixed-size frames are defined in the Frame node of the current standard.

Accepted value: any

Text > Frame > Fill Specifies whether or not to add color fill to the frame. Yes
Text > Frame > Fill Color Specifies the default color to fill. Yes
Text > Frame > Horizontal Margin Specifies the horizontal margin of the frame. Yes
Text > Frame > Vertical Margin Specifies the vertical margin of the frame. Yes
Text > Anchor Point Specifies the text position in relation to the anchor point (for example, upper-left, middle left). Yes
Text > Anchor Line Specifies the text position in relation to the anchor line (for example, top or bottom, cap or base). Yes
Text > Line Spacing Specifies the spacing that must be used between two lines of text. Yes
Text > Line Spacing Mode Specifies the spacing mode between two lines of text (for example, bottom to top, base to cap). Yes
Text > Justification Specifies a justification for the text. Yes
Text > Word Wrap Specifies a width to wrap the text. Yes
Text > Orientation Reference Specifies whether the sheet, or whether the view or 2D component must be used as the reference for the text orientation. Yes
Text > Angle Specifies the text orientation angle according to the chosen reference. Yes
Text > Mirroring Specifies whether a symmetry, and which one, must be applied to the text. Yes
Text > Back Field Specifies whether or not superscript and subscript texts must be aligned above one another. Yes
Text > Superscript Offset Specifies the offset value (as a percentage of the font height) for superscript texts. Yes
Text > Superscript Size Specifies the size (as a percentage of the font height) of superscript texts. Yes
Text > Subscript Offset Specifies the offset value (as a percentage of the font height) for subscript texts. Yes
Text > Subscript Size Specifies the size (as a percentage of the font height) of subscript texts. Yes
Text > Display Unit Specifies whether or not texts must be displayed. Yes
Text > Apply Scale Specifies whether or not the scale of the view or of the 2D reference component scale must be applied to the display of the text. Yes
Text > Blank Background Indicates whether or not blanking must be used. Yes
Graphic > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) that must be used to represent text frames and leaders. Yes
Graphic > Linetype Specifies the number of the linetype (as defined in the LineTypes node of the current standard) that must be used to represent text frames and leaders. Yes
Graphic > Color Specifies the color that must be used to represent text frames and leaders. Yes
Leader > Symbol Specifies the symbol (for example, a simple arrow or circle) that must be used for text leaders.

If you choose the Automatic option, a default symbol is used, depending on the standard type:

  • Filled arrow for ANSI-ASME

  • Simple arrow (Open arrow) for ISO/JIS

Leader > Delta Specifies the length of the first leader segment (that is, the segment, which is located before the first leader breakpoint). Yes
Leader > Anchor Point Specifies the leader position in relation to the anchor point of the text frame.

When the Leader > StandardBehavior parameter is specified to Yes:

  • 0 positions the leader automatically on the closest anchor point.
  • 1 - positions the leader on the left-hand anchor point.
  • 2 - positions the leader on the right-hand anchor point.

When the Leader > StandardBehavior parameter is specified to No:

  • 0 positions the leader automatically on the closest anchor point.
  • 1 to 8 - positions the leader on a specific anchor point.

Leader > Standard Behavior Specifies whether or not the position of text leaders can be different from left or right. Yes

Table Styles

Parameter Description Applies at modification
Cell Formats

Specifies the format for top and bottom row styles or for left and right column styles. The format for all the four elements can be specified. There are two parameters for each of the format styles:

  • Apply Row_Column_Name format: Select the required check box to configure the format. All the formats and any combination of the formats are possible.
  • Number of Row_Column_Name: Indicate the number of rows or columns to which the format is to be applied.

On selecting the format that you want to configure a new node, which is a duplicate of Whole Table style, is added under Cell Formats in the same level as Whole Table.

The Right/Left Column style overloads the Whole Table style.

The Top/Bottom Row style overloads the Whole Table style and the Right/Left Column style.

Cell Formats > Top Rows

Specifies the format that must be used for the top row or rows (as specified in the Number of top rows field) in the table.

All the nodes under it are duplication of Whole Table style.

Cell Formats > Bottom Rows

Specifies the format that must be used for the bottom row or rows (as specified in the Number of bottom rows field) in the table.

All the nodes under it are duplication of Whole Table style.

Cell Formats > Left Columns

Specifies the format that must be used for the left column or columns (as specified in the Number of left columns field) in the table.

All the nodes under it are duplication of Whole Table style.

Cell Formats > Right Columns

Specifies the format that must be used for the right column or columns (as specified in the Number of right columns field) in the table.

All the nodes under it are duplication of Whole Table style.

Cell Formats > Whole Table > Font > Name Specifies the name of the font that must be used for text in table cells. If no font name is specified, the system's default font is used.

Make sure that the text font specified here belongs to the list of allowed text fonts, as defined in the General > AllowedTextFonts node of the Standards editor.

Cell Formats > Whole Table > Font > Bold Indicates whether or not texts in table cells must be displayed in bold. Yes
Cell Formats > Whole Table > Font > Italic Indicates whether or not texts in table cells must be displayed in italic. Yes
Cell Formats > Whole Table > Font > Size Indicates the font size that must be used for texts in table cells. Yes
Cell Formats > Whole Table > Font > Underline Indicates whether or not texts in table cells must be underlined. Yes
Cell Formats > Whole Table > Font > Color Specifies the color that must be used to display texts in table cells. Yes
Cell Formats > Whole Table > Font > Ratio Specifies the ratio that must be used to display texts in table cells. Yes
Cell Formats > Whole Table > Font > Slant Specifies the slant that must be used to display texts in table cells. Yes
Cell Formats > Whole Table > Font > Spacing Specifies the spacing that must be used to display texts in table cells. Yes
Cell Formats > Whole Table > Font > Pitch Specifies the pitch (fixed or variable) that must be used to display texts in table cells. Yes
Cell Formats > Whole Table > Font > Strikethrough Indicates whether or not strikethrough must be used for texts in table cells. Yes
Cell Formats > Whole Table > Font > Overline Indicates whether or not texts in table cells must be overlined. Yes
Cell Formats > Whole Table > Line Spacing Specifies the spacing that must be used between two lines of text in table cells. Yes
Cell Formats > Whole Table > Line Spacing Mode Specifies the spacing mode between two lines of text in table cells (for example, bottom to top, base to cap). Yes
Cell Formats > Whole Table > Backfield Specifies whether or not superscript and subscript texts in table cells must be aligned above one another. Yes
Cell Formats > Whole Table > Superscript Offset Specifies the offset value (as a percentage of the font height) for superscript texts in table cells. Yes
Cell Formats > Whole Table > Superscript Size Specifies the size of superscript texts (as a percentage of the font height) in table cells. Yes
Cell Formats > Whole Table > Subscript Offset Specifies the offset value for subscript texts (as a percentage of the font height) in table cells. Yes
Cell Formats > Whole table > Subscript Size Specifies the size of subscript texts (as a percentage of the font height) in table cells. Yes
Cell Formats > Whole Table > Display Unit Specifies whether or not texts in table cells must be displayed. Yes
Cell Formats > Whole Table > Horizontal Alignment Specifies the horizontal alignment for the contents of table cells. Yes
Cell Formats > Whole Table > Vertical Alignment Specifies the vertical alignment for the contents of table cells. Yes
Cell Formats > Whole Table > Horizontal Margin Specifies the horizontal space between the contents and the inside border of a cell. Yes
Cell Formats > Whole Table > Vertical Margin Specifies the vertical space between the contents and the inside border of a cell. Yes
Anchor Point Specifies the position of the table in relation to the anchor point (for example, upper-left , middle- left). Yes
Orientation Reference Specifies whether the sheet, or whether the view or 2D component must be used as the reference for the orientation of the table. Yes
Angle Specifies the orientation angle of the table according to the chosen reference. Yes
Graphic > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) that must be used to represent table frames and leaders. Yes
Graphic > Linetype Specifies the number of the linetype (as defined in the LineTypes node of the current standard) that must be used to represent table frames and leaders. Yes
Graphic > Color Specifies the color that must be used to represent table frames and leaders. Yes
Leader > Symbol Specifies the symbol (for example, a simple arrow or circle) that must be used for table leaders.

If you choose the Automatic option, a default symbol is used, depending on the standard type:

  • Filled arrow for ANSI-ASME

  • Open arrow for ISO/JIS

Leader > Delta Specifies the value of the delta that must be applied between a table and its leader. Yes
Leader > Anchor Point

Specifies the leader position in relation to the anchor point of the text frame.

When the Leader > StandardBehavior parameter is specified to Yes:

  • 0 positions the leader automatically on the closest anchor point.
  • 1 - positions the leader on the left-hand anchor point.
  • 2 - positions the leader on the right-hand anchor point.

When the Leader > StandardBehavior parameter is specified to No:

  • 0 - positions the leader automatically on the closest anchor point.
  • 1 to 8 - position the leader on a specific anchor point.

Leader > Standard Behavior Specifies whether or not the position of text leaders can be different from left or right. Yes
Blank Background

Specifies whether or not blanking must be applied. In case blanking is applied, specifies which blanking mode is to be applied.

Horizontal Margin Specifies the horizontal space between the contents and the inside border of a cell. Yes
Vertical Margin

Specifies the vertical space between the contents and the inside border of a cell.


Specifies whether or not to flip the table.

No Flip – The table does not flip.

Auto flip – The table is automatically flipped, according to its angle, to have its content always displayed in a readable position.


Datum Feature Styles

Parameter Description Applies at modification
Orientation Reference Specifies whether the sheet, or whether the view or 2D component must be used as the reference for the orientation of datum features. Yes
Angle Specifies the orientation angle of datum features according to the chosen reference. Yes
Anchor Point Specifies the position of datum features in relation to the anchor point (for example, upper-left , middle left). Yes
Display Choose the display mode you want for the datum feature: - Show value: displays the datum feature, its leader, and its frame. - Show box: replaces the datum feature and its frame by a rectangular box and displays its leader. - Hide value: hides the datum feature and its frame but displays its leader. Yes
Leader > Symbol Specifies the symbol (for example, a simple arrow or circle) that must be used for datum feature leaders.

If you choose the Automatic option, a default symbol is used, depending on the standard type:

  • Filled Triangle for ANSI-ASME

  • Blanked triangle (Triangle) for ISO/JIS

Font > Name Specifies the name of the font that must be used for datum feature texts. If no font name is specified, the system's default font is used.

Make sure that the text font specified here belongs to the list of allowed text fonts, as defined in the General > AllowedTextFonts node of the Standards editor.

Font > Bold Indicates whether or not datum feature texts must be displayed in bold. Yes
Font > Italic Indicates whether or not datum feature texts must be displayed in italic. Yes
Font > Size Indicates the font size that must be used for datum feature texts. Yes
Font > Apply Scale Indicates whether or not datum feature texts must be scaled according to the view or the 2D reference component's scale. Yes
Font > Blank Background Indicates whether or not the background must be blank. Yes
Graphic > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) that must be used to represent datum feature frames and leaders. Yes
Graphic > Linetype Specifies the number of the linetype (as defined in the LineTypes node of the current standard) that must be used to represent datum feature frames and leaders. Yes
Graphic > Color Specifies the color that must be used to represent datum feature frames, leaders, and texts. Yes

Datum Target Styles

Parameter Description Applies at modification
Size Specifier Indicates whether the surface is planar or cylindrical. You can specify:
  • None
  • Diameter
  • Square
Orientation Reference Specifies whether the sheet, or whether the view or 2D component must be used as the reference for the orientation of datum targets. Yes
Angle Specifies the orientation angle of datum targets according to the chosen reference. Yes
Anchor Point Specifies the position of datum targets in relation to the anchor point (for example, upper-left , middle-left). Yes
Display Choose the display mode you want for the datum target:
  • Show value: Displays the datum target, its leader, and its frame.
  • Show box: Replaces the datum target and its frame by a rectangular box and displays its leader.
  • Hide value: Hides the datum target and its frame but displays its leader.
Font > Name Specifies the name of the font that must be used for datum target texts. If no font name is specified, the system's default font is used.

Make sure that the text font specified here belongs to the list of allowed text fonts, as defined in the General > AllowedTextFonts node of the Standards editor.

Font > Bold Indicates whether or not datum target texts must be displayed in bold. Yes
Font > Italic Indicates whether or not datum target texts must be displayed in italic. Yes
Font > Size Indicates the font size that must be used for datum target texts. Yes
Font > Apply Scale Indicates whether or not datum target texts must be scaled according to the view or the 2D reference component's scale. Yes
Font > Blank Background Indicates whether or not the background must be blank. Yes
Graphic > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) that must be used to represent datum target frames and leaders. Yes
Graphic > Linetype Specifies the number of the linetype (as defined in the LineTypes node of the current standard) that must be used to represent datum target frames and leaders. Yes
Graphic > Color Specifies the color that must be used to represent datum target frames, leaders, and texts. Yes
Leader > Symbol Specifies the symbol (for example, a simple arrow or circle.) that must be used for datum feature leaders.

If you choose the Automatic option, a default symbol is used, depending on the standard type:

  • Closed arrow (Unfilled arrow) for ANSI-ASME

  • Open arrow for ISO/JIS


Indicates whether or not the datum target must be movable.


Tolerance Styles

Parameter Description Applies at modification
Type Specifies the tolerance type (for example straightness, circularity). No
Value Specifies the tolerance value. No
Upper Text Specifies the tolerance upper text. No
Lower Text Specifies the tolerance lower text. No
Font > Name Specifies the name of the font that must be used for tolerances. If no font name is specified, the system's default font is used.

Make sure that the text font specified here belongs to the list of allowed text fonts, as defined in the General > AllowedTextFonts node of the Standards editor.

Font > Bold Indicates whether or not tolerances must be displayed in bold. Yes
Font > Italic Indicates whether or not tolerances must be displayed in italic. Yes
Font > Size Indicates the font size that must be used for tolerances. Yes
Font > Ratio Specifies the ratio that must be used to display tolerances. Yes
Font > Spacing Specifies the spacing that must be used to display tolerances. Yes
Text > Anchor Point Specifies the tolerance text position in relation to the anchor point (for example, upper-left , middle-left). Yes
Text > Orientation Reference Specifies whether the sheet, or whether the view or 2D component must be used as the reference for the tolerance text orientation. Yes
Text > Angle Specifies the tolerance text orientation angle according to the chosen reference. Yes
Text > Blanking Indicates whether or not blanking must be used. Yes
Text > Mirroring Specifies whether a symmetry, and which one, must be applied to the tolerance. Yes
Text > Blanking Indicates whether or not blanking must be used. Yes
Graphic > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) that must be used to represent text frames and leaders. Yes
Graphic > Linetype Specifies the number of the linetype (as defined in the LineTypes node of the current standard) that must be used to represent tolerance frames and leaders. Yes
Graphic > Color Specifies the color that must be used to represent tolerance frames and leaders. Yes
Leader > Symbol Specifies the symbol (for example, a simple arrow or circle) that must be used for tolerance leaders.

If you select the Automatic, a default symbol is used, depending on the standard type and on whether the leader is associated to an element or not:

  • If the leader is associated to an element:

    • Filled arrow for ANSI-ASME

    • Open arrow for ISO/JIS

  • If the leader is not associated to an element:

    • Symmetric circle (a.k.a. Unfilled circle) for ANSI-ASME

    • Filled circle for ISO/JIS

Leader > Delta Specifies the value of the delta that must be applied between a tolerance and its leader. Yes
Leader > Anchor Point Specifies the leader position in relation to the anchor point of the tolerance frame. - 0 positions the leader automatically on the closest anchor point.
  • 1 - positions the leader on the middle-left anchor point.
  • 2 - positions the leader on the middle-right anchor point.

Balloon Styles

Parameter Description Applies at modification
Font > Name Specifies the name of the font that must be used for balloons. If no font name is specified, the system's default font is used.

Make sure that the text font specified here belongs to the list of allowed text fonts, as defined in the General > AllowedTextFonts node of the Standards editor.

Font > Bold Indicates whether or not balloons must be displayed in bold. Yes
Font > Italic Indicates whether or not balloons must be displayed in italic. Yes
Font > Size Indicates the font size that must be used for balloons. Yes
Font > Underline Indicates whether or not balloon fonts must be underlined. Yes
Font > Ratio Specifies the ratio that must be used to display balloons. Yes
Font > Slant Specifies the slant that must be used to display balloons. Yes
Font > Spacing Specifies the spacing that must be used to display balloons. Yes
Font > Pitch Specifies the pitch (fixed or variable) that must be used to display balloons. Yes
Font > Strikethrough Indicates whether or not strikethrough must be used in balloons. Yes
Font > Overline Indicates whether or not overline must be used in balloons. Yes
Text > Frame Specifies the type of frame that must be used to represent balloons. Note that fixed-size frames are defined in the Frame node of the current standard.

Accepted values: none, circle, fixed-size circle.

Text > Anchor Point Specifies the balloon position in relation to the anchor point (for example, upper-left , middle-left). Yes
Text > Anchor Line Specifies the balloon position in relation to the anchor line (for example, top or bottom, cap or base). Yes
Text > Orientation Reference Specifies whether the sheet, or whether the view or 2D component must be used as the reference for the balloon orientation. Yes
Text > Angle Specifies the balloon orientation angle according to the chosen reference. Yes
Text > Mirroring Specifies whether a symmetry, and which one, must be applied to the balloon. Yes
Text > Apply Scale Specifies whether or not the scale of the view or of the 2D reference component scale must be applied to the display of the balloon. Yes
Text > Display Choose the display mode you want for the balloon: - Show value: displays the balloon, its leader, and its frame. - Show box: replaces the balloon and its frame by a rectangular box and displays its leader. - Hide value: hides the balloon and its frame but displays its leader. Yes
Text > Blanking Indicates whether or not blanking must be used. Yes
Graphic > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) that must be used to represent balloon frames and leaders. Yes
Graphic > Linetype Specifies the number of the linetype (as defined in the LineTypes node of the current standard) that must be used to represent balloon frames and leaders. Yes
Graphic > Color Specifies the color that must be used to represent balloon frames, leaders, and texts. Yes
Leader > Symbol Specifies the symbol (for example, a simple arrow or circle) that must be used for balloon leaders.

If you choose the Automatic option, a default symbol is used, depending on the standard type and on whether the leader is associated to an element or not:

  • If the leader is associated to an element:

    • Closed arrow (a.k.a. Unfilled arrow) for ANSI-ASME

    • Open arrow for ISO/JIS

  • If the leader is not associated to an element:

    • Blanked circle for ANSI-ASME

    • Filled circle for ISO/JIS


Surface Texture Styles

Parameter Description Applies at modification
Values > Global Symbol Specifies the surface texture type (For example, basic, machining required, machining prohibited). No
Values > Direction of Lay Specifies the surface pattern (For example, M, C, and orthogonal). No
Values > Specification Line Indicates whether or not the specification line must be displayed. No
Values > All Around Indicates whether or not an all-around symbol must be added. No
Values > First Requirement Specifies the first requirement. No
Values > Second Requirement Specifies the second requirement. No
Values > Other Requirement Specifies another requirement (this parameter is available only with the JIS standard mode). No
Values > Working Process Specifies the production method. No
Values > Machining Allowance Specifies the machining allowance. No
Values > Cutoff Specifies the cutoff value (this parameter is available only with the JIS standard mode). No
Values > Maximum Roughness Average Specifies the maximum value. No
Values > Minimum Roughness Average Specifies the minimum value. No
Text > Anchor Point Specifies the position of surface texture texts in relation to the anchor point (For example, upper-left , middle-left). Yes
Text > Anchor Line Specifies the position of surface texture texts in relation to the anchor line (For example, upper or lower, cap or base). Yes
Text > Blank Background Indicates whether or not blanking must be used. Yes
Graphic > Color Specifies the color that must be used to represent roughness symbols. Yes
Graphic > Linetype Specifies the number of the linetype (as defined in the Line Types node of the current standard) that must be used to represent surface texture leaders. Yes
Graphic > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the Line Thickness node of the current standard) that must be used to represent the surface texture and leaders. Yes
Font > Name Specifies the name of the font that must be used for surface textures. If no font name is specified, the system's default font is used.

Make sure that the text font specified here belongs to the list of allowed text fonts, as defined in the General > Allowed Text Fonts node of the Standards editor.

Font > Bold Indicates whether or not surface texture fonts must be displayed in bold. Yes
Font > Italic Indicates whether or not surface texture fonts must be displayed in italic. Yes
Font > Size Indicates the font size that must be used for surface textures. Yes
Font > Ratio Specifies the ratio that must be used to display surface textures. Yes
Font > Spacing Specifies the spacing that must be used to display surface textures. Yes
Leader > Symbol Specifies the symbol (For example, a simple arrow or circle) that must be used for surface texture leaders.

If you choose the Automatic option, the default symbol is used, depending on the standard type and on whether the leader is associated to an element or not:

  • If the leader is associated to an element:

    • Closed arrow (Unfilled arrow) for ANSI-ASME

    • Open arrow for ISO/JIS

  • If the leader is not associated to an element:

    • Symmetric circle (Unfilled circle) for ANSI-ASME

    • Filled circle for ISO/JIS

The leader extremities of geometrical tolerance are always a filled circle except when there are extension lines or when they are in the alignment of dimensions.

Leader > Delta Specifies the value of the delta that must be applied between a surface texture and its leader. Yes
Leader > Anchor Point Specifies the leader position in relation to the anchor point of the surface texture
  • 0 - positions the leader automatically on the closest anchor point.
  • 1 - positions the leader on the middle-left anchor point.
  • 2 - positions the leader on the middle-right anchor point.

Welding Symbol Styles

Parameter Description Applies at modification
First Length Specifies the length of the first welding symbol. No
First Size Specifies the size of the first welding symbol. No
First Welding Type Specifies the type (for example SquareWelding, UGrooveWelding) of the first welding symbol. No
First Surface Shape Specifies the surface shape (for example flat, convex) of the first welding symbol. No
First Finishing Method Specifies the finishing method (for example grinding, hammering) of the first welding symbol. No
Second Length Specifies the length of the second welding symbol. No
Second Size Specifies the size of the second welding symbol. No
Second Welding Type Specifies the type (for example SquareWelding, UGrooveWelding) of the second welding symbol. No
Second Surface Shape Specifies the surface shape (for example flat, convex) of the second welding symbol. No
Second Finishing Method Specifies the finishing method (for example grinding, hammering) of the second welding symbol. No
Reference Specifies the reference of the welding symbol. No
Field Weld Indicates whether or not a field weld must be added. No
All Around Indicates whether or not a weld-all-around symbol must be added. No
Reference Line Indicates whether the reference line must be up or down. This parameter works only for the ISO standard. No
Text > Frame Specifies the type of frame that must be used to represent welding symbols. Note that fixed-size frames are defined in the Frame node of the current standard.

Accepted values: none, rectangle

Text > Orientation Reference Specifies whether the sheet, or whether the view or 2D component must be used as the reference for the welding symbol orientation. Yes
Text > Angle Specifies the welding symbol orientation angle according to the chosen reference. Yes
Text > Line Spacing Specifies the spacing that must be used between two lines of text. Yes
Text > Line Spacing Mode Specifies the spacing mode between two lines of text (for example, bottom to top, base to cap). Yes
Text > Blank Background Indicates whether or not the background must be blank. Yes
Font > Name Specifies the name of the font that must be used for welding symbols. If no font name is specified, the system's default font is used.

Make sure that the text font specified here belongs to the list of allowed text fonts, as defined in the General > Allowed Text Fonts node of the Standards editor.

Font > Bold Indicates whether or not welding symbols must be displayed in bold. Yes
Font > Italic Indicates whether or not welding symbols must be displayed in italic. Yes
Font > Size Indicates the font size that must be used for welding symbols. Yes
Font > Ratio Specifies the ratio that must be used to display welding symbols. Yes
Font > Spacing Specifies the spacing that must be used to display welding symbols. Yes
Graphic > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) that must be used to represent welding symbol frames and leaders. Yes
Graphic > Linetype Specifies the number of the linetype (as defined in the LineTypes node of the current standard) that must be used to represent welding symbol frames and leaders. Yes
Graphic > Color Specifies the color that must be used to represent welding symbol frames and leaders. Yes
Leader > Symbol Specifies the symbol (for example, a simple arrow or circle) that must be used for welding symbol leaders. If you choose the Automatic option, the filled arrow is used by default. Yes

Edge of Undefined Shape

Parameter Description Applies at modification
Text > Anchor Point Specifies the text position in relation to the anchor point (for example, upper-left , middle-left). Yes
Text > Anchor Line Specifies the text position in relation to the anchor line (for example, top or bottom, cap or base). Yes
Text > Blank Background Indicates whether or not the background must be blank. Yes
Text > Orientation Reference Specifies whether the sheet, or whether the view or 2D component must be used as the reference for the symbol orientation. Yes
Text > Angle Specifies the symbol orientation angle according to the chosen reference. Yes
Text > Line Spacing Specifies the spacing that must be used between two lines of text. Yes
Text > Line Spacing Mode Specifies the spacing mode between two lines of text (for example, bottom to top, base to cap). Yes
Font > Bold Indicates whether or not the symbol must be displayed in bold. Yes
Font > Italic Indicates whether or not the symbol must be displayed in italic. Yes
Font > Size Indicates the font size that must be used for the symbol. Yes
Font > Ratio Specifies the ratio that must be used to display the symbol. Yes
Font > Spacing Specifies the spacing that must be used to display the symbol. Yes
Leader > Symbol Specifies the symbol (for example, simple arrow, circle) that must be used for the symbol leaders. If you choose the Automatic option, the filled arrow is used by default. Yes
Leader > Delta Specifies the length of the first leader segment (that is, the segment, which is located before the first leader breakpoint). Yes
Graphic > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) that must be used to represent the symbol frames and leaders. Yes
Graphic > Linetype Specifies the number of the linetype (as defined in the LineTypes node of the current standard) that must be used to represent the symbol frames and leaders. Yes
Graphic > Color Specifies the color that must be used to represent the symbol frames and leaders. Yes